Summative Peer Review of Teaching

UniSA has established the Summative Peer Review of Teaching (SPRT) process to provide individuals with additional evidence and feedback about their teaching. This includes academics:

  • applying for promotion, either on a Teaching Academic or a Teaching and Research pathway – to develop an additional evidence-base to support their application.
  • new to UniSA – all continuing and fixed-term academic staff appointed from 1 July 2016 with teaching responsibilities will undertake a SPRT as part of their probationary period.
  • identified by their line manager (through the performance development and management process) as likely to benefit from a SPRT to enhance elements of their teaching practice.

The SPRT process further complements other forms of teaching and learning data, e.g. myCourseExperience (MCE), student feedback, learning analytics, grade distributions, progression rates, etc. that collectively can be used to inform activities such as probation, promotion and performance development. 


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Last modified: Monday, 14 September 2020, 3:08 PM