If a reviewer declines to review a participant, en email notification will be sent. The email will contain a link to the Select alternate reviewers screen. You can also navigate to this screen via the Manage review cards.

Access via Manage Review cards

screenshot showing where to click to get to manage reviews screen

  • Click the Manage Review text or icon to navigate to the management screen.

screenshot showing where to click to manage desired review

  • Click Manage for the desired review.

The Review Management screen is displayed.

screenshot of the Review management screen

  1. The red X indicates a negative activity. In this instance, it shows the reviewer who has declined to participate in the review.
  2. Click Edit to select an alternate reviewer.

The Select Alternative Reviewer screen is displayed.

Screenshot of select alternative reviewers window showing how to search for alternative reviewers as outlined in text below

The screen will display:
1. The review information.
2. The information about the reviewer who has been removed from the review process.
3. The search functionality.

To search for a replacement:

4.Enter the name as a minimum. Note: you can also use the filters to search by UniSA Academic and Professional Unit or campus.

5. Click Search.

The screen will refresh to show the results of the search.

screenshot of the select a reviewer window

  1. Select the required reviewer. Note: the Lock icon indicates that the particular reviewer has reached their maximum number of reviews for the year.
  2. Click Select.

The confirmation screen will display

screenshot of alternative reviewers showing where to click to confirm as outlined in text below

  • Click confirm to add the reviewer to the review process.

The screen will refresh to show a final confirmation message

screenshot of final confirmation window

An email is then sent to the Reviewee confirming the reallocation of reviewer.  

Return to main menu

Return to main menu

Last modified: Wednesday, 9 September 2020, 2:49 PM