You will receive an email notification when the reviewers have completed the collaborative report informing that you can now enter a rejoinder. Once you complete the process, your Dean of Programs will be notified that your peer review has been completed.

screenshot of Rejoinder option and ratings overview as described in the text below

1. View the ratings and comments. Note: All information in the sections will be de-identified. The sections will show:

  1. the comparison of ratings made against the selected dimensions.
  2. the individual reviewer's overall comment.
  3. the ratings and comments per dimension.
  4. the final collaborative comments of the reviewers

2. Expand/collapse to view the individual section.

3. Select whether you wish to enter a rejoinder.

4. If Yes is selected, enter an response to the reviewer comments.

5. Select Save to save the response.

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Last modified: Monday, 14 September 2020, 3:03 PM