Topic outline
Note-taking systems and templates
This video by Discover Business Degrees (2015) talks you through 5 note taking strategies.
Click through the links below to learn more about the methods outlined in the video.
You may like to use the Charting Method to start grouping your sources into relevant themes. Click on the purple and white crosses on the example below for more tips about the Charting Method.
Note: To view the example in full-screen, click on the icon in the top right corner.
You may like to use the Cornell Method when reading the sources in more detail. Click on the purple and white crosses on the example below for more tips about the Cornell Method.
Note: To view the example in full-screen, click on the icon in the top right corner.
Note-taking for lectures
Work through this resource to help you get the most out of lectures by employing effective note taking techniques.
Note: To view the example in full-screen, click on the icon in the bottom right corner.Useful resources
Note-taking methods (Massey University 2019)
Charting Method (template)
Cornell Method (template)
Note-taking tools
There are many tools available that can help make note-taking easier, but you can not rely on them to do the learning for you - you still need to actively engage. If you do wish to use a note-taking tool, make sure you have read and understood the University's policies on Student Recording of Learning Activities as there are strict rules to abide by.
For Further Assistance
If you feel you need practical assistance with note taking due to a disability, make a booking with an Access and Inclusion adviser to see what help might be available. You can also access detailed information about policies and procedures here.