If a student is unwell they must not attend placement. They must notify their Clinical Facilitator and the Ward/Unit Manager that they are unable to attend the shift. A medical certificate is required if they are absent for three or more consecutive days or if the student has had more than three days absent within the placement block. Students are required to present the certificate to the Clinical Facilitator at their next meeting and also email it to their Course Coordinator. The Clinical Facilitator will then liaise with the university about the student’s ability to continue the placement. All leave will need to be made up and if it cannot be organised with the venue, the Course Coordinator will confirm with the Clinical Placement Unit if a make-up placement can be arranged in the required timeframe for the ELA. If not, the student will fail the course and need to complete the placement when the ELA is offered again.
If a student does fail because of extended sick leave they are encouraged to make an ‘Application for Amendment to Enrolment and Fees in Special Circumstances’