Topic outline
Module 1 - Getting started with MATLAB
Learning Objectives/Outcomes
By the end of this module you will be able to:
- Confidently navigate this web site
- Understand the requirements of this short course
- Access MATLAB (free download if you are UniSA student or staff)
- Be familiar with the main layout and controls of MATLAB
- Use MATLAB as a calculator
To help you master this topic we have a series of activities for you to complete over a 1 week period. Please allow at least 3 hours to complete these activities - a rough guide to the time required to complete each component is provided. Please note that your progress through these activities is monitored. All links will open in a new window.
Welcome to this short course on MATLAB for engineers. Please review this Outline for this short course in MATLAB and watch this orientation video to find out what will be expected of you during the next few weeks. Then let us know that you have arrived by posting a message to our Arrival Forum. If you have any private issues you need to raise with the Teaching team, please use this Dialogue, rather than email (30 minutes).
UniSA MATLAB licencing now allows you to freely access a copy of MATLAB for your local computer and access MATLAB courses. Click here to find out how. Download and activate your MATLAB. If you have any questions about this, please raise them in this discussion forum (30-60 minutes).
Watch these video demonstrations of MATLAB to help you get started using the software.Raise any questions in this Forum.
- Desktop layout (1.42)
- Detailed Desktop Description (3.55)
- Using Brackets in MATLAB (4.01)
- Built-in Functions (7.04)
- More Built in Functions (3.00)
- Example of how MATLAB built in functions can be used to solve a problem (7.32).
The first Practical demonstrates the use of MATLAB in the VDI environment and requires you to complete several exercises. Raise any questions in this Discussion Forum. Please submit your responses to the exercises for formative feedback using this word document template as a guide (60 minutes).
Refer to the Introduction to MATLAB booklet as required, focussing on Section 1 and Section 2. You can also consult this eBook, MATLAB : A Practical introduction to programming and problem solving as needed throughout this short course. If you have purchased a copy of MATLAB - consider investing 2 hours doing the interactive MATLAB on-ramp training provided as part of the package.
A virtual classroom may be scheduled for your cohort to help resolve any issues. The software used is Adobe Connect which works in most web browsers - but requires an AddIn to be installed to allow desktop sharing (necessary to see your local installations). The Connect App is available for mobile devices in iTunes and Google Play. Check your calendar and Upcoming events for dates and times. You will need a microphone and webcam to participate in these sessions (60 minutes).