UniSA And UniSA Online learnonline April release information

UniSA And UniSA Online learnonline April release information

by Patrick Raets -
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There will be a release to both UniSA and UniSA Online Moodle installations. There will not be any downtime associated with the releases.

UniSA learnonline

Date: April 7th

Time: 7:30 AM

UniSA Online

Date: April 21st

Time: 7:30AM

The releases will include:

New features and fixes

  • Ability to allow forum posts to be sent to Turnitin for similarity scoring. This is a new feature and only available for summative forums. The functionality is defaulted to “No” but can be enabled in the forum settings within the “Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings” section.
    Please see - Forum Activity: Post submitted to Turnitin
  • Core Moodle security updates
  • FIX - Ability to apply an extension to a summative quiz once the student has already started the attempt. The current  extension functionality looks to apply the extension but the information is not updated in the Moodle tables.
    Please see - Applying an extension to an open Quiz attempt for instructions on how to apply the extensions in this scenario.
  • Automation of the Supplementary Assessment Group Assign process for Moodle. If a student is awarded a supplementary assessment, Moodle will now automatically create the group for the student(s) and this will also be automatically updated. This group can then be used in Moodle to assign to the assessment.

Enhancement requests 

  • A Syntax highlighter. When code is entered and save in a Moodle activity/resource, it will display in differing colours to show the various components of the code.
    Please see - Syntax highlighter
  • Ability to embed a quiz question directly into the course site. It will not need to be contained within a quiz. This is only for formative use.
    Please see – Embed quiz question