Publish Open Textbooks – grants available

Publish Open Textbooks – grants available

by Patrick Raets -
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Grant applications for the national Open Educational Resources Collective will be opening on January 16th, 2023.

The Open Educational Resource Collective is a national initiative that enables authors to publish, adopt and adapt open texts on a shared platform (Pressbooks).
Since its inception in 2021, texts from 40 institutions in ANZ are now in production, including two from UniSA.
This exciting opportunity enables authors to create open, equitable, collaborative and contextualised teaching resources.
Key benefits include
  • Textbooks provide free, unlimited open access, downloadable, flexible, printable, shareable
  • Opportunities to co-author and collaborate
  • Inbuilt licensing and copyright support plus expert support from UniSA Library
  •  Membership, support, and advocacy from Academic Communities of Practice
  • Aligns with the University’s values of diversity and social justice

Grant submission guidelines are available for review. Please contact for details.