Due Date - 8pm, 30 September 2022

Please ensure STEMIE submissions are uploaded by one designated teacher from each school to the STEMIE Teacher Moodle. This will allow the teacher to have all submissions attached to their grade book for tracking points to qualify for the Regional Showcase.

A satisfactory submission could include:

  • What is a mineral ore?
  • Historical use of ores and techniques used to locate, extract, move and process them
  • Current use of ores and their journey from raw material to finished product
  • The role of mineral ores in every day life
  • The impact of extracting ores on Australia’s natural ecosystems, and how this impact is minimised
  • Considerations and community consultations that need to be considered before commencing collection of ores
  • Methods used to rehabilitate the environment after mineral extraction 

[Note: Referencing for researched items should be included in this task]

Last modified: Friday, 11 February 2022, 10:57 PM