Due Date - 8pm, 30 September 2022

Please ensure STEMIE submissions are uploaded by one designated teacher from each school to the STEMIE Teacher Moodle. This will allow the teacher to have all submissions attached to their grade book for tracking points to qualify for the Regional Showcase.

A satisfactory submission could include:

  • Evidence of promotion of STEMIE, STEM career/pathways, student work, etc. within the school community, local community and/or wider community
  • Accepted media for school community promotion could include: screen capture of bulletin notices, copies of newsletters, video of assembly presentation, photographs at parent events, etc.
  • Accepted media for local community promotion could include: copies of local newspaper articles, Facebook or other social media posts, photographs from shopping centre displays, presentation to local council, etc.
  • Accepted media for wider community promotion could include: copies of articles in state-wide newspaper, recordings of TV/Radio publicity or presentation, presentation to state/federal MP, etc.

Last modified: Saturday, 12 February 2022, 12:07 AM