Topic outline


    The Project Roundtable was held in Brisbane on 28 February and 1 March 2013 (Roundtable Agenda). Following an introductory presentation by Dr. Tracey Bretag (Project Leader) and an overview of the work of the Higher Education Standards Panel by Professor David Siddle, the Roundtable brought together the project team and reference group in a collegial environment to allow participants to share the practical implementation details of exemplary academic integrity policy. Participants were encouraged to share details of institutional practices which show the efficacy of their policies in their specific contexts using the Framework for sharing best practice provided by the Project. Each participant at the Roundtable was also provided an Information Sheet , Consent Form and the Core elements paper by Bretag et al (2011).

    Video of Dr Tracey Bretag's presentation at the EAIP Roundtable

    The Roundtable provided an opportunity to public and private providers of higher education to:

    • share implementation details of exemplary academic integrity policy
    • adapt best practice for specific student groups
    • collaborate on issues of academic integrity

    Presentations were videotaped and notes were taken during the Roundtable to enable the project team to analyse and adapt current best practices for the identified student groups. The findings from the Roundtable have been disseminated via a national speaking tour by international academic integrity experts, Dr Erica Morris and Dr Tricia Bertram Gallant.

    Representatives from five Australian universities gave presentations on implementation details of exemplary academic integrity policy at their institution:

      1. Griffith University1 (wmv, 91.2MB) presented by Ms. Karen van Haeringen and Associate Professor Wendy Loughlin (PDF, 1.14MB). Videos embedded in the presentation: Theoretical underpinnings , Responsibility , Support .
      2. University of South Australia (wmv, 81.8MB) presented by Dr. Rowena Harper (PDF, 247KB).
      3. La Trobe University (wmv, 100MB) presented by Mr. Bruce Carboon (PDF, 322KB).

    • University of Western Australia (wmv, 68.5MB) presented by Assistant Professor Lee Partridge (PDF, 1.53MB).

    1. Victoria University presented by Dr. Fiona Henderson (wmv, 75.3MB) on behalf of Professor Helen Borland, Associate Professor Bill Eckersley and Dr. Fiona Henderson (PDF, 3.01 MB).

    Participants at the EAIP Roundtable in group discussions

    Ms. Leigh Pointon presented the QIBT perspective (wmv, 102MB) as a private higher education provider and Ms. Karen van Haeringen presented her analysis of online academic integrity policy of non-university higher education providers using the five core elements framework. The joint presentation is available here (PDF, 1.56MB).

    Dr. Saadia Mahmud and Dr. Tracey Bretag presented some preliminary findings from their review of academic integrity policy for higher degree by research (HDR) students in Australia. The joint presentation is available here (PDF, 871KB) Further findings will be presented at the upcoming 3rd World Conference on Research Integrity at Montreal, Canada in May 2013.

    1 An internal presentation  by Ms Karen van Haeringen provides further information on Griffith University's management of academic integrity (PDF, 640KB).