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Picture of Yee Wei Law

Collective attack

by Yee Wei Law - Tuesday, 29 August 2023, 5:24 PM

The discussion here follows from the discussion of individual attacks.

In a collective attack [Sch10],

  • Eve prepares an ancilla state for each signal coming from Alice and lets it interact with the signal.

  • Eve passes Alice’s signal on to Bob.


[ETS18] ETSI, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Vocabulary, Group Report ETSI GR QKD 007 v1.1.1, December 2018. Available at
[Sch10] S. Schauer, Attack Strategies on QKD Protocols, in Applied Quantum Cryptography (C. Kollmitzer and M. Pivk, eds.), Lect. Notes Phys. 797, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 71–95.
[Wol21] R. Wolf, Quantum Key Distribution: An Introduction with Exercises, Springer, Cham, 2021.