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Picture of Yee Wei Law

Satellite frequency bands

by Yee Wei Law - Tuesday, 18 July 2023, 11:49 PM

Fig. 1 depicts the usage of different frequency bands.

Fig. 1: SATCOM frequency bands [McC09, slide 41], where VHF = very high frequency, UHF = ultra high frequency, SHF = super high frequency, EHF = extra high frequency.

IEEE Standard 512 [IEE20] defines the letters designating the frequency bands.

According to ESA, the main satellite frequency bands range from L to Ka; see also the same link for discussion of different usage of the frequency bands.


[McC09] D. McClure, Overview of satellite communications, slides, 2009. Available at
[IEE20] IEEE, IEEE Standard Letter Designations for Radar-Frequency Bands, IEEE Std 521-2019 (Revision of IEEE Std 521-2002), developed by the Radar Systems Panel of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, 2020.