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Picture of Yee Wei Law

Spectral theorem and spectral decomposition

by Yee Wei Law - Saturday, 24 August 2024, 11:14 PM

Spectral theorem is one of the fundamental theorems of linear algebra [ABH09, Sec. 3.6].

Based on the spectral theorem, spectral decomposition is an essential tool in quantum theory [NC10, Box 2.2].

Multiple equivalent interpretations of the spectral theorem exist, e.g., [ABH09, Theorems 3.6.4 and 3.6.12].

The interpretation in Theorem 1 directly defines spectral decomposition, and is hence also called the spectral decomposition theorem.

Theorem 1: Spectral (decomposition) theorem [Hol13, Theorem 8.23; Zha11, Theorem 3.4; KLM07, Theorem 2.4.3]

An -square complex matrix is normal iff it is orthogonally diagonalisable or unitarily diagonalisable, i.e., there exists a unitary matrix such that


  • are the eigenvalues (i.e., spectrum) of ;
  • consists of the orthonormal eigenvectors of in its columns in the same order as .

In particular,

  • is positive semidefinite .
  • is Hermitian are real.
  • is unitary .

Any normal operator, , has an outer product representation [KLM07, Sec. 2.4; Mey00, p. 517]:


  • are the eigenpairs of ;
  • form an orthormal basis of the Hilbert space in which is defined.

The outer products are projectors that satisfy

  • the completeness relation: ; and
  • the orthonormality relation: , where is the Kronecker delta.
Example 1 [KLM07, Theorem 2.4.2, Example 2.4.4]

The Pauli-X matrix is a normal operator:

Manually or using NumPy, we can determine the eigenpairs of to be and . Thus,


[ABH09] M. A. Akcoglu, P. F. A. Bartha, and D. M. Ha, Analysis in Vector Spaces: A Course in Advanced Calculus, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
[Hol13] J. Holt, Linear Algebra with Applications, W. H. Freeman and Company, 2013.
[KLM07] P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, and M. Mosca, An Introduction to Quantum Computing, Oxford University Press, 2007. Available at
[Mey00] C. Meyer, Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, SIAM, 2000. Available at
[NC10] M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang, Quantum computation and quantum information, 10th anniversary ed., Cambridge University Press, 2010. Available at
[Zha11] F. Zhang, Matrix Theory: Basic Results and Techniques, 2nd ed., Universitext, Springer New York, NY, 2011.