Fig. 1: An experimental setup for BB84 built by IBM [NC10, Box 12.7]. The setup achieved a key bit rate of several hundred bits per second, which is far from practical but it was a start.
For the setup in Fig. 1,
The reason for making the photons traverse the optical fibre twice (from Bob to Alice then back to Bob) is to automatically compensate for asymmetry and fluctuations of the medium.
The polarisation controller (āPol Contā in Fig. 1) is for correcting polarisation drifts in the quantum channel [Sud10, p. 111].
The Faraday rotator (āFaraday Rotā in Fig. 1) effects polarisation through the Faraday (rotation) effect; watch demonstration on YouTube.
The classical channel of wavelength 1.55 Ī¼m is carried over the same optical fibre. Multiplexing of the quantum and classical channels is achieved through the wavelength (division) multiplexers (āWMā in Fig. 1).
Fig. 2 shows a minimalist block diagram for EDU-QCRY1, while Fig. 3 shows a photo of a physical setup realising the block diagram.
Fig. 2: A minimalist block diagram for Thorlabās EDU-QCRY1.
Fig. 3: A photo of a physical setup implementing the block diagram in Fig. 2. The silver boxes with a red button are laser electronics. The silver boxes with a green button are sensor electronics. The silver boxes with no button are photon detectors. In EDU-QCRY1, pulsed light sources are used to approximate single-photon sources; see the risk of this approximation in terms of the photon number splitting attack.
Let us study the functions of the PBS in this context:
For Alice to send a to Bob, a half-wave plate (HWP, also called Ī»/2 plate, labelled as āPolarization Rotatorā in Fig. 4) is physically rotated to 0Ā°.
Fig. 4: Transmission from Alice to Bob in the rectilinear basis [Tho20, Figure 2].
To send a , the HWP is physically rotated by 45Ā° to achieve a polarisation rotation of 90Ā°.
In general, for linearly polarised light, polarisation is rotated by a value twice as large as the rotation of the HWP.
On Bobās side, a horizontally polarised photon () passes through the PBS, while a vertically polarised photon () gets reflected, as shown:
Thus, a single-photon detector is needed to detect each state.
To support both the rectilinear basis (0Ā° and 90Ā°) and diagonal basis (-45Ā° and 45Ā°), the setup in Fig. 4 is extended to the setup in Fig. 6, where Aliceās polarisation rotator now support four angles in total (, , , ), and Bob gets a polarisation rotator that supports two angles (one for each basis).
Fig. 6: Transmission from Alice to Bob in two bases (0Ā° and 90Ā°, -45Ā° and 45Ā°) [Tho20, Figure 3].
Note Bob still needs only two photon detectors, one for each basis state of the selected basis.
Eve can be emulated by simply 1ļøā£ duplicating the setup for Bob (for intercepting Aliceās photons), and 2ļøā£ duplicating the setup for Alice (for āreplayingā measured states to Bob); as shown in Fig. 2.
In recent years, satellite-based experiments on BB84 and extensions of BB84 (e.g., decoy-state BB84) had been conducted [LCPP22].
Compared to free space, polarisation is harder to preserve over commercial optical fibres [GK05, Fig. 11.7]. An alternative approach to polarisation is using an interferometer, such as a Mach-Zehnder interferometer; see Fig. 7 and [HIP+21, Sec. 3.2].
Fig. 7: Realising BB84 using an interferometer [GK05, Fig. 11.7]. The shorter and longer paths through the interferometer define the 0 and 1 states. Phase modulators (PM) are positioned within the upper arms of both Bobās and Aliceās interferometer.
C. Hughes, J. Isaacson, A. Perry, R. F. Sun, and J. Turner, Quantum Computing for the Quantum Curious, Springer Cham, 2021.
M. Suda, QKD Systems, in Applied Quantum Cryptography (C. Kollmitzer and M. Pivk, eds.), Lect. Notes Phys.797, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, pp. 71ā95.