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Picture of Yee Wei Law


by Yee Wei Law - Monday, 27 March 2023, 3:15 PM

The following introduces Shannon entropy before von Neumann entropy.

Shannon entropy

The Shannon entropy of a random variable, say , measures the uncertainty of .


  • Minimum entropy occurs when takes on a specific value at probability 1. Let us say entropy is 0 in this case.
  • Maximum entropy occurs when takes on one of different values at equal probability. Let us say entropy is bits in this case, because we need bits to represent all possible outcomes in binary.

The following definition of entropy, denoted by , measured in number of bits, can reflect the two extreme cases above [MC12, Definition 5.4]:

where denotes the probability of taking on the th value.

Note: 1️⃣ ; 2️⃣ number of bits is discrete in practice but as a metric of comparison, we need entropy to be a continuous-valued metric.

If has possible values, and has , the joint entropy of and is defined as [MC12, Definition 6.2]:

The conditional entropy of given is defined as [MC12, (6.53)]:

The chain rule for entropy states [MC12, p. 151; Gra21, (2.48)]:

or more generally,

Von Neumann entropy

The Shannon entropy measures the uncertainty associated with a classical probability distribution.

Quantum states are described in a similar fashion, with density operators replacing probability distributions.

The von Neumann entropy of a quantum state, , is defined as [NC10, Sec. 11.3]:

where denotes the base-2 logarithm of and not the element-wise application of base-2 logarithm to .

Watch an introduction to the matrix logarithm on YouTube:

If are the eigenvalues of , then


[Gra21] F. Grasselli, Quantum Cryptography: From Key Distribution to Conference Key Agreement, Quantum Science and Technology, Springer Cham, 2021.
[MC12] S. M. Moser and P.-N. Chen, A Student’s Guide to Coding and Information Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2012. Available at
[NC10] M. A. Nielsen and I. L. Chuang, Quantum computation and quantum information, 10th anniversary ed., Cambridge University Press, 2010. Available at