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Picture of Yee Wei Law

Safe programming languages

by Yee Wei Law - Friday, 12 May 2023, 3:18 PM

A safe programming language is one that is memory-safe (see Definition 1), type-safe (see Definition 2) and thread-safe (see Definition 3).

Definition 1: Memory safety [WWK+21]

Assurance that adversaries cannot read or write to memory locations other than those intended by the programmer.

A significant percentage of software vulnerabilities have been attributed to memory safety issues [NSA22], hence memory safety is of critical importance.

Examples of violations of memory safety can be found in the discussion of common weakness CWE-787 and CWE-125.

Definition 2: Type safety [Fru07, Sec. 1.1]

Type safety is a formal guarantee that the execution of any program is free of type errors, which are undesirable program behaviours resulting from attempts to perform on some value an operation that is inappropriate to the type of the value.

For example, applying a factorial function to any value that is not an integer should result in a type error.

Type safety ⇒ memory safety, but the converse is not true [SM07, Sec. 6.5.2], hence type safety is commonly considered to be a central theme in language-based security [Fru07].

Type-safe programming languages, e.g., Java , Ruby, C#, Go, Kotlin, Swift and Rust, have been around for a while. However, memory-unsafe languages are still being used because:

  • Type-safety features come at the expense of performance. There is for example overhead associated with checking the bounds on every array access [NSA22].

    Even the current speed champion, Rust, among the type-safe languages, and the only type-safe language that has made it to the Linux kernel [VN22] and Windows kernel [Thu23], is not efficient enough for all use cases [Iva22]. This is one of the reasons why Google is still trying to create a successor to C++ called Carbon.

  • Type-safety features also come at the expense of resource requirements. Most memory-safe languages use garbage collection for memory management [NSA22], and this translates to higher memory usage.
  • Although most type-safe languages are supported on the mainstream computing platforms (e.g., Wintel), the same cannot be said of embedded platforms.

    It can be challenging to program a resource-constrained platform using a type-safe language.

  • There is already a vast amount of legacy code in C/C++ and other memory-unsafe languages.

    The cost to port legacy code, including the cost of training programmers, is often prohibitive.

    Depending on the language, interfacing memory-safe code with unsafe legacy code can be cumbersome.

  • Besides invoking unsafe code, it is all too easy to do unsafe things with a type-safe language, e.g., not checking user input, not implementing access control.

    Programmers often use this as an excuse to not use a different language than what they are familiar with.

Nevertheless, adoption of type-safe languages, especially Rust, has been on the rise [Cla23].

Thread safety rounds up the desirable properties of type-safe languages.

Definition 3: Thread safety [Ora19, Ch. 7]

The avoidance of data races, which occur when data are set to either correct or incorrect values, depending upon the order in which multiple threads access and modify the data.

Watch the following LinkedIn Learning video about thread safety:

Thread safety from IoT Foundations: Operating Systems Fundamentals by Ryan Hu

Rust is an example of a type-safe language that is also thread-safe.


[Cla23] T. Claburn, Memory safety is the new black, fashionable and fit for any occasion: Calls to avoid C/C++ and embrace Rust grow louder, The Register, January 2023. Available at
[Fru07] N. G. Fruja, Type safety of C# and .Net CLR, Ph.D. thesis, ETH Zürich, 2007.
[Iva22] N. Ivanov, Is Rust C++-fast? Benchmarking System Languages on Everyday Routines, arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.09127, 2022.
[NSA22] NSA, Software memory safety, Cybersecurity Information Sheet, November 2022. Available at
[Ora19] Oracle, Multithreaded programming guide, Part No: E54803, March 2019. Available at
[SM07] S. Smith and J. Marchesini, The Craft of System Security, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2007. Available at
[Thu23] P. Thurrott, First Rust Code Shows Up in the Windows 11 Kernel, blog post, May 2023. Available at
[VN22] S. Vaughan-Nichols, Linus Torvalds: Rust will go into Linux 6.1, ZDNET, September 2022. Available at
[WWK+21] D. Wagner, N. Weaver, P. Kao, F. Shakir, A. Law, and N. Ngai, Computer security, online textbook for CS 161 Computer Security at UC Berkeley, 2021. Available at

Picture of Yee Wei Law

Satellite frequency bands

by Yee Wei Law - Tuesday, 18 July 2023, 11:49 PM

Fig. 1 depicts the usage of different frequency bands.

Fig. 1: SATCOM frequency bands [McC09, slide 41], where VHF = very high frequency, UHF = ultra high frequency, SHF = super high frequency, EHF = extra high frequency.

IEEE Standard 512 [IEE20] defines the letters designating the frequency bands.

According to ESA, the main satellite frequency bands range from L to Ka; see also the same link for discussion of different usage of the frequency bands.


[McC09] D. McClure, Overview of satellite communications, slides, 2009. Available at
[IEE20] IEEE, IEEE Standard Letter Designations for Radar-Frequency Bands, IEEE Std 521-2019 (Revision of IEEE Std 521-2002), developed by the Radar Systems Panel of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society, 2020.

Picture of Yee Wei Law

Scan flip-flop and scan chain

by Yee Wei Law - Wednesday, 29 March 2023, 9:54 AM

The increasing usage of cutting-edge technologies in safety-critical applications leads to strict requirements on the detection of defects both at the end of manufacturing and in the field [VDSDN+19].

This gives birth to the design-for-testability (DFT) paradigm, which necessitates additional test circuits to be implemented on a system to 1️⃣ provide access to internal circuit elements, and thereby 2️⃣ provide enhanced controllability and observability of these elements [BT19, Sec. 4.7.1].

Scan is the most popular DFT technique [BT19, Sec. 3.7.2].

  • The technique of scan design (see Definition 1) offers simple read/write access to all or a subset of the storage elements in a design.

    Definition 1: Scan design [IEEE13, p. 10]

    A design technique that introduces shift-register paths into digital electronic circuitry, providing controllability and observability in deeply embedded regions of circuity and thereby improving testability.

  • Scan design is realised by replacing flip-flops by with scan flip-flops (SFFs, see Fig. 1) and connecting them to form one or more shift registers in test mode.

    Fig. 1: An SFF constructed with a D-type flip-flop and a multiplexer [BT19, FIGURE 3.14]. TE = Test Enable. D = Data. SI = Scan In.

    Watch YouTube video for a revision of D-type flip-flip:

  • SFFs are generally used for clock-edge-triggered scan design, whereas level-sensitive scan design (LSSD) cells are used for level-sensitive, latch-based designs.

A scan chain is a chain of SFFs [BT19, Sec.]; see Fig. 2.

Fig. 2: A sample scan chain [BT19, FIGURE 3.16]. TE = Test Enable. SI = Scan In. SO = Scan Out.

When Test Enable (TE) is high, the scan chain works in test/shift mode [BT19, Sec.; VDSDN+19, p. 95].

  • Inputs from the Scan In (SI) pin are shifted through the scan chain to the Scan Out (SO) pin.
  • The circuit is then set to normal mode and run for a specified number of clock cycles.
  • When the circuit reaches a target state, the circuit is switched back into test mode and the content of the scan chain is shifted out from the SO port.
  • Finally, a test program compares the SO values with the expected values for validation.

Multiple scan chains are often used to reduce the time to load and observe.

The integrity of a scan chain should be tested prior to application of a scan test sequence.

For more information, see the attachment.


[BT19] S. Bhunia and M. Tehranipoor, Hardware Security: A Hands-On Learning Approach, Morgan Kaufmann, 2019.
[IEEE13] IEEE Computer Society, IEEE Standard for Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture: IEEE Std 1149.1-2013 (Revision of IEEE Std 1149.1-2001), 2013.
[VDSDN+19] E. Valea, M. Da Silva, G. Di Natale, M.-L. Flottes, and B. Rouzeyre, A Survey on Security Threats and Countermeasures in IEEE Test Standards, IEEE Design & Test 36 no. 3 (2019), 95–116.

Picture of Yee Wei Law

Security definitions/notions for encryption

by Yee Wei Law - Monday, 12 August 2024, 5:14 PM
See 👇 attachment.

Picture of Yee Wei Law

Side-channel attacks

by Yee Wei Law - Monday, 19 February 2024, 10:36 AM

There is a bewildering array of side-channel attacks (see Definition 1).

Definition 1: Side-channel attack [GGF17]

An attack enabled by leakage of information through timing, power consumption, electromagnetic, acoustic and other emissions from a physical system.

It is not an understatement saying that the diversity of side-channel attacks is only limited by the creativity of humankind.

A classic side-channel attack is differential power analysis (🖱 click for in-depth discussion).

Meltdown and Spectre are high-profile side-channel attacks of recent years that exploit the hardware weakness CWE-1037.

Below, we cover two recent attacks that are not as “classic” or “high-profile” but no less interesting.

Example 1

In cybersecurity, the term “air gap” refers to an interface between two systems at which (a) they are not connected physically and (b) any logical connection is not automated (i.e., data is transferred through the interface only manually, under human control) [Shi07].

  • In short, an air gap provides a form of cyber insulation between two systems.

Just like physical insulation can be overcome, so can cyber insulation be.

There is a group of researchers at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, including Mordechai Guri in the video below, that specialise in side-channel attacks, especially attacks that overcome air gaps.

Watch Mordechai Guri’s Black Hat 2018 talk about “air-gap jumpers”:

Among the air-gap side-channel attacks investigated so far are PowerHammer [GZBE20], named after the infamous rowhammer attack.

  • PowerHammer enables attackers to exfiltrate information from air-gapped systems by leveraging conducted emission through alternating-current (AC) power lines.
  • Conducted emission is desired or undesired electromagnetic energy that is propagated along a conductor (see European Cooperation for Space Standardization Glossary and Fig. 1).

How PowerHammer works in a nutshell:

  • The attacker infects target computer (transmitting computer in Fig. 2) with malware.
  • The attacker taps the indoor electrical power wiring that is connected to the electrical outlet of the compromised computer, as shown in Fig. 2.
  • The attacker generates conducted emission to exfiltrate data by modulating CPU workload and hence power consumption.

    Simple modulation strategy: encoding 0 with a low frequency and 1 with a high frequency — essentially the technique of binary frequency shift keying (BFSK).

    For low frequency, make a CPU core sleep for a certain number of CPU cycles.

    For high frequency, make a CPU core repeatedly start and stop for a certain number of CPU cycles.

    Fig. 3 illustrates encoding of 0 and 1 with two frequencies.

    The attacker dedicates threads to CPU cores, with one thread for each core, using the POSIX function sched_setaffinity.

    Fig. 4 indicates the more CPU cores involved, the easier it is to separate the two frequencies.

Fig. 1: (a) Conducted emission due to normal computing workload. (b) Conducted emission due to PowerHammer transmissions [GZBE20, Fig. 1].
Fig. 2: Attacker’s malware in transmitting computing encodes data desired by attacker in conducted emission. Attacker’s current probe measures current and indirectly, single-phase power of a three-phase system. Attacker’s measurement computer decodes malware’s transmission [GZBE20, Fig. 6].
  • The attacker analyses and decodes the conducted electromagnetic emission of the compromised computer and thereby exfiltrates the encoded data at the measurement computer in Fig. 2.

Fig. 3: BFSK modulation [GZBE20, Fig. 4].

Fig. 4: Power spectral density of a sample transmission with different number of cores at two different frequencies, namely 10 kHz and 18 kHz [GZBE20, Fig. 11].
Example 2

Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a method for generating and distributing symmetric cryptographic keys with information-theoretic security based on quantum information theory [ETS18].

The earliest QKD protocol is due to Bennett and Brassad [BB84] and is called BB84, named after the authors and the year it was proposed.

BB84 encodes a classic bit in the polarisation state of a photon, which is a discrete variable, hence BB84 is an example of a discrete-variable quantum key distribution (DV-QKD) scheme.

In a typical implementation of BB84, Bob uses single-photon detectors (see sample commercial products from ID Quantique SA) to receive photons from Alice, but this single-photon detector can be an Archilles’ heel of the DV-QKD system, as Durak et al. [DJK22] have shown.

Among the most commonly used single-photon detectors are avalanche photodiodes (APDs), which are photodiodes with internal gain produced by the application of a reverse voltage.

  • APDs have a high level of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), a short response time, low dark current, and high sensitivity.
  • In APDs, a received photon triggers an avalanche of electrical current, and when the current crosses a certain threshold (milliamps), a digital pulse (tens of nanoseconds, with exponential decay) in the output indicates photon detection; see Fig. 5(a)-(b).
  • An avalanche produces emissions in the form of 1️⃣ a fluorescence flash of light and 2️⃣ radio-frequency (RF) radiation; see Fig. 5(a)-(b).
  • Fig. 5(b)-(c) suggests an APD emits a distinguishable FIR pattern/signature/fingerprint, and thus the RF radiation is an exploitable side channel.
  • BB84 requires 4 APDs for detecting 4 polarisation states: 0° and 90° in the rectilinear basis, 45° and 135° in the diagonal basis; see the D blocks in Fig. 6(a).
  • The APDs are physically separated from each other by tens of centimetres [DJK22, Sec. III], so their RF emissions should be uniquely identifiable.

Fig. 6(b) and Fig. 7 show an experimental setup an attacker can use to gather FIR data, and train a neural network for classifying received RF emission into four polarisation states.

Fig. 5: (a) An APD acts like a downconverter that converts optical-wavelength single photons to RF radiation. (b) A sample frequency response arising from the reflections of APD-originated RF radiation by common structures in a lab. (c) Frequency response resembles that of an finite impulse response (FIR) filter with delays () and reflection coefficients () [DJK22, Fig. 1].
Fig. 6: (a) A typical experimental setup for BB84. (b) Setup used by an attacker to gather FIR data associated with each polarisation state; see also Fig. 7. (c) Setup used by an attacker to infer polarisation state from Bob’s RF side channel [DJK22, Fig. 2].
Fig. 7: Visualised experimental setup, where an ultra-wideband (UWB) antenna (at most 2 m away from the closest APD) is used to capture the RF radiation emitted by the APDs, and a combination of signal processing and machine learning is used to distinguish among 4 polarisation states [DJK22, Fig. 3].

The neural network in Fig. 8 takes a time-domain sample of 256 data points, and can be trained to classify a test sample into one of four polarisation states at high accuracy.

Fig. 8: A 5-layer neural network with 256 input neurons and 2 output neurons (encoding 2 bits of information) [DJK22, Fig. 7].

Durak et al.’s [DJK22] results demonstrate feasibility of “cloning” Bob’s qubits using an RF side channel.


The countermeasures for CWE-1300 apply.


[BB84] C. H. Bennett and G. Brassard, Quantum cryptography: Public key distribution and coin tossing, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Systems & Signal Processing, December 1984, pp. 175–179. Available at
[DJK22] K. Durak, N. C. Jam, and S. Karamzadeh, Attack to quantum cryptosystems through RF fingerprints from photon detectors, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 28 no. 2: Optical Detectors (2022), 1–7.
[ETS18] ETSI, Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Vocabulary, Group Report ETSI GR QKD 007 v1.1.1, December 2018. Available at
[GGF17] P. A. Grassi, M. E. Garcia, and J. L. Fenton, Digital identity guidelines, NIST Special Publication 800-63-3, June 2017.
[GZBE20] M. Guri, B. Zadov, D. Bykhovsky, and Y. Elovici, PowerHammer: Exfiltrating data from air-gapped computers through power lines, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 15 (2020), 1879–1890.
[Shi07] R. Shirey, Internet Security Glossary, Version 2, IETF RFC 4949, 2007.

Picture of Yee Wei Law

Solar System Internetwork (SSI)

by Yee Wei Law - Thursday, 7 March 2024, 3:16 PM

The discussion below provides some historical context, an overview and a description of the network protocol stack of the Solar System Internetwork (SSI).


In 1999, the Interagency Operations Advisory Group (IOAG) was established to achieve cross support across the international space community and to expand the enabling levels of space communications and navigation interoperability [CCS14, Foreword].

In 2007, the IOAG chartered a Space Internetworking Strategy Group (SISG) to reach international consensus on a recommended approach for transitioning the participating agencies towards a future network-centric era of space mission operations [CCS14, Foreword].

In 2008, the SISG released a preliminary report on their operations concept for a Solar System Internetwork (SSI) [CCS14, Foreword]; see the 2011 conference version of the report [EDB11].

In 2010, the IOAG finalised the SSI Operations Concept and asked the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) to create the SSI architectural definition [CCS14, Foreword].

In 2014, the CCSDS Space Internetworking Services - Delay-Tolerant Networking (SIS-DTN) working group released the official informational report [CCS14].

The SSI architecture is based on international standards and voluntary agreements [CCS14, Executive Summary].

Participation in the SSI is expected to be incremental, and furthermore, the SSI specification and technologies are still evolving.

In fact, the Interplanetary Networking Special Interest Group (IPNSIG), a chapter of the Internet Society, has the vision to develop a secure and robust Solar System Internet, by extending networking to space, from the historical point-to-point, “bent pipe” communication architecture to a store-and-forward, packet-switched design, interconnecting any number of terrestrial and space-borne nodes [KCB+21].


The fundamental objective of the SSI is to provide automated and internetworked data communication services for space ventures (at least across the solar system) [CCS14, Executive Summary; EDB11, Sec. 2].

The emphasis on automation arises from the need to support communication among the various participants operating in space ventures without requiring a detailed understanding of space communication operations [CCS14, Executive Summary].

Examples of participants include [CCS14, Sec. 2.1]:

  • crewed and robotic space-faring vehicles, often carrying investigative instruments;
  • planetary surface systems, with crew and/or instruments;
  • ground antenna stations;
  • centralised ground-based mission operations centres (MOCs) on Earth;
  • science investigators at widely distributed laboratories on Earth.

The SSI interconnects multiple networks built on two types of networking architectures, namely 1️⃣ the Internet architecture and 2️⃣ the DTN architecture.

Fig. 1 depicts a communication scenario that the SSI architecture is designed to support.

Fig. 1: A sample communication scenario involving two agencies and three missions [CCS14, Figure 2-3].

In Fig. 1,

  • Multiple missions may be involved, and each mission may operate multiple spacecrafts, which may autonomously collaborate on mission objectives.
  • The set of spacecrafts conducting a long-lived mission may change over time, as disabled spacecrafts become decommissioned and new spacecrafts get deployed.
  • Data may be routinely relayed among spacecrafts, even among spacecrafts deployed for different missions, by different space agencies. Furthermore, data may be relayed through different spacecrafts at different times, introducing the possibility of multiple data paths between spacecrafts and MOCs.

To accommodate the multi-agency, multi-mission scenario in Fig. 1, the SSI architecture specifies three stages of functionality:

Protocol stack

The SSI protocol stack is a combination of the Internet Protocol (IP) stack and the Delay-Tolerant Network (DTN) protocol stack, as shown in Fig. 2.

Going top-down along the DTN “facet” (CCSDS term) [CCS14, Sec. C3],

  • DTN applications are applications designed to operate with communications characterised by variable, substantial latencies due to 1️⃣ large signal propagation delays, 2️⃣ lengthy physical communication outages, or 3️⃣ both.

    These applications are implemented to utilise the CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) and optionally other DTN application-layer services over a Bundle Protocol (BP) network.

Fig. 2: The composite network protocol stack of the SSI [CCS14, Figure C-9].

Fig. 3: A sample instantiation of the CCSDS protocol stack [CCS20d, Figure 2-1], where CLA = convergence layer adapter.

  • The BP network runs over the Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP).

    While protocols from the IP suite are limited to scenarios in which network paths are continuously connected and have low latencies, BP network can operate in any scenario in the SSI, including on top of TCP/IP, as Fig. 3 shows.

  • Fig. 3 also shows below the LTP layer, sit the Encapsulation Packet Protocol and Space Packet Protocol.

    The Space Data Link Protocols (SDLPs) sit further down the protocol stack.

  • Among the SDLPs, the Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol is defined for short-range, bi-directional, fixed or mobile radio links, generally used to communicate among probes, landers, rovers, orbiting constellations, and orbiting relays.

    The 1️⃣ Telecommand (TC) SDLP, 2️⃣ Telemetry (TM) SDLP, and 3️⃣ Advanced Orbital Systems (AOS) SDLP [CCS15d] serve other scenarios.

    Fig. 4 demonstrates the usage of AOS-SDLP in a space network and Proximity-1 in a Mars network.

    Fig. 5 demonstrates the usage of Proximity-1 between two space nodes; and the usage of AOS-SDLP and TC-SDLP between a space node and a ground terminal.

    Improving upon the preceding protocols, the Unified Space Data Link Protocol (USLP, not typo) has been designed to meet the requirements of space missions for efficient transfer of space application data of various types and characteristics over space-to-ground, ground-to-space, and space-to-space communications links [CCS21c].

    Fig. 6 maps the protocols discussed so far to the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model.

Fig. 4: An example of how CCSDS protocols are used in a scenario where lander data are transferred using custody transfer to the lander MOC on Earth [ABH21, Figure 9].

Fig. 5: DTN protocol building blocks in an end-to-end ABCBA view [CCS18, Figure 3-3].

In CCSDS terminology [CCS15b, Sec. 1.6.1], an ABCBA view/configuration refers to a multi-hop space communications configuration involving 1️⃣ multiple space and ground elements and 2️⃣ multiple direct earth-space and space-space links. ABCBA configurations nominally include elements from three or more agencies.

Fig. 6: CCSDS protocols and associated security options [CCS19b, Figure 3-1], where SBSP = Streamlined Bundle Security Protocol, SDLS = Space Data Link Security.


[ABH21] A. Y. Alhilal, T. Braud, and P. Hui, A roadmap toward a unified space communication architecture, IEEE Access 9 (2021), 99633–99650.
[CCS14] CCSDS, Solar System Internetwork (SSI) Architecture, Informational Report CCSDS 730.1-G-1, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, July 2014. Available at
[CCS15b] CCSDS, Space Communications Cross Support—Architecture Requirements Document, Recommended Practice CCSDS 901.1-M-1, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, May 2015. Available at
[CCS15d] CSDS, Space Data Link Protocols—Summary of Concept and Rationale, Informational Report CCSDS 130.2-G-3, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, September 2015. Available at
[CCS18] CCSDS, Concepts and Rationale for Streaming Services over Bundle Protocol, Informational Report CCSDS 730.2-G-1, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, September 2018. Available at
[CCS19b] CCSDS, The Application of Security to CCSDS Protocols, Informational Report CCSDS 350.0-G-3, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, March 2019. Available at
[CCS20d] CCSDS, Space Packet Protocol, Recommended Standard CCSDS 133.0-B-2, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, June 2020. Available at
[CCS21c] CCSDS, Unified Space Data Link Protocol, Recommended Standard CCSDS 732.1-B-2, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, October 2021. Available at
[EDB11] C. D. Edwards, M. Denis, and L. Braatz, Operations concept for a Solar System Internetwork, in 2011 Aerospace Conference, 2011, pp. 1–9.
[KCB+21] Y. Kaneko, V. Cerf, S. Burleigh, M. Luque, and K. Suzuki, Strategy toward Solar System Internet for humanity, Report from Strategy Working Group, Interplantery Networking Special Interest Group, Internet Society, June 2021. Available at
[WZP18] P. Wan, Y. Zhan, and X. Pan, Solar system interplanetary communication networks: architectures, technologies and developments, Science China Information Sciences 61 no. 4 (2018), 040302.

Picture of Yee Wei Law

Solar System Internetwork (SSI) Stage 1 Mission Functionality

by Yee Wei Law - Tuesday, 16 May 2023, 11:55 AM

This continues from Solar System Internetwork (SSI).

The Stage 1 Mission Functionality of the Solar System Internetwork (SSI) is the automation of basic communication processes between vehicles and Mission Operations Centers (MOCs) that might be performed for a single space flight mission, including [CCS14, Sec. 3]:

  • the initiation and termination of transmissions;
  • the scheduling of data for transmission according to priority designations declared by SSI users;
  • the segmentation and reassembly of large data items for transmission in small increments;
  • the retransmission of data that were lost or corrupted in transmission;
  • the relaying of data from one entity to another via some other entity pre-selected by management.

Fig. 1 depicts a sample communication scenario between two SSI nodes: one onboard the spacecraft and another at the spacecraft MOC.

  • The SSI data flow between these two nodes is established by requesting a space link session from the Earth station control center.
  • Data are exchanged via the Earth station by link-layer mechanisms, which are nominally based on the CCSDS Space Link Extension (SLE) service [CCS13].
Fig. 1: Sample communication scenario in a simple network topology [CCS14, Figure 3-1].

The network configuration in Fig. 1 can be extended by setting up a separate SSI node for use by the instrument MOC, enabling the instrument MOC to operate on native instrument data flows securely routed through the node at the spacecraft MOC.

Prerequisites and protocols

To be part of the SSI, each node must be configured to run the Bundle Protocol (BP), i.e., a Bundle Protocol Agent (BPA) must be deployed at each node.

For each node on the Earth surface, a Convergence-Layer Adapter (CLA) must be deployed underneath BP, enabling the node to communicate with other Earth-bound nodes via the Internet.

For interoperation with the Internet, the CLA can use the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP), or potentially the Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP) running on top of UDP/Internet Protocol (IP).


[CCS13] CCSDS, Space Communications Cross Support—Architecture Description Document, Informational Report CCSDS 901.0-G-1, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, November 2013.
[CCS14] CSDS, Solar System Internetwork (SSI) Architecture, Informational Report CCSDS 730.1-G-1, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, July 2014.

Picture of Yee Wei Law

Space Attack Research and Tactic Analysis (SPARTA)

by Yee Wei Law - Wednesday, 1 March 2023, 5:19 PM

The Aerospace Corporation created the Space Attack Research and Tactic Analysis (SPARTA) cybersecurity matrix

  • to address the information and communication barriers that hinder the identification and sharing of space-cyber Tactic, Techniques, and Procedures (TTP);
  • to provide unclassified information to space professionals about cyber threats to spacecraft.

The SPARTA matrix is a specialisation of the MITRE ATT&CK matrix for defining and categorising commonly identified activities that contribute to spacecraft compromises.

The nine SPARTA tactics shown in the top row of Fig. 1 are a subset of the tactics in MITRE ATT&CK.

Fig. 1: The main attack tactics and techniques in SPARTA. Every technique accompanied by a double vertical sign, ⏸, expands into sub-techniques not shown here.

Under each SPARTA tactic in Fig. 1, each of the main techniques accompanied by a double vertical sign, namely ⏸, can be divided into sub-techniques. For example, under tactic “Reconnaissance” (ST0001), the technique “Gather Spacecraft Design Information” (REC-0001) can be divided into 1️⃣ Software (REC-0001.01), 2️⃣ Firmware (REC-0001.02), 3️⃣ Cryptographic Algorithms (REC-0001.03), 4️⃣ Data Bus (REC-0001.04), 5️⃣ Thermal Control System (REC-0001.05), 6️⃣ Manoeuvre and Control (REC-0001.06), 7️⃣ Payload (REC-0001.07), 8️⃣ Power (REC-0001.08), and 9️⃣ Fault Management (REC-0001.09).

Example 1: Payload

The South Australian 6U CubeSat Kanyini has two payloads: 1️⃣ a hyperspectral imager called HyperScout 2 for earth observation, and 2️⃣ an Internet-of-Things communications module.

Example 2: Applying SPARTA to modelling a recent cyber attack

Watch a quick overview of the attack called PCspooF:

A mixed-criticality system (MCS) is an embedded computing platform in which application functions of different criticalities share computation and/or communication resources [EDN16].

A mixed time-criticality system is an MCS where the criticality is messaging timeliness.

Time-Triggered Ethernet (TTEthernet), as standardised in SAE AS6802, defines algorithms for clock synchronisation, clique detection, startup, and restart for switches and end systems to achieve fault-tolerant synchronisation in an Ethernet-based (IEEE 802.3) mixed time-criticality system.

TTEthernet is used in avionics, industrial control systems (including those for power systems) and automotive systems [LPDK23], so any security vulnerability in TTEthernet would have wide-reaching consequences.

  • In avionics, TTEthernet is used as a bus service for a variety of spacecraft including NASA’s Orion capsule, NASA’s Lunar Gateway space station, and ESA’s Ariane 6 launcher [The22].

How TTEthernet works [LPDK23]

A TTEthernet network contains two types of devices: switches and end systems.

Fault-tolerance is enabled by network redundancy, and each redundant network is called a plane; Fig. 2 shows an example of a system using two planes.

Time-triggered (TT) design = All TTEthernet devices are tightly synchronised and the behaviour of the network is determined by a global schedule made offline and loaded onto each TTEthernet device before deployment.

Fig. 2: TTEthernet provides redundancy to ESA’s Ariane 6 launcher [Fid15, slide 19].
Fig. 3: In TTEthernet, TT traffic is synchronous with sub-microsecond jitters, whereas BE traffic and rate-constrained traffic are asynchronous  [Fid15, slide 16].

The global schedule specifies when TT frames are forwarded and expected to arrive.

The latency and jitter of TT traffic can be reduced to below 13 μs and 1 μs respectively [Fid15, slide 12].

TTEthernet also carries best-effort (BE, i.e., regular) Ethernet traffic and rate-constrained Avionics Full Duplex Switched Ethernet (AFDX, as standardised in ARINC Specification 664 P7-1) traffic; see Fig. 3.

TTEthernet switches forward BE traffic around the pre-scheduled TT traffic when bandwidth permits.

Mechanisms exist to isolate TT traffic from BE traffic, e.g.,

  • there are windows reserved for TT traffic only;
  • TT and BE frames are stored in different switch buffers.

Central to TTEthernet is a synchronisation protocol, in which a device can participate as 1️⃣ a sync master, 2️⃣ a compression master, or 3️⃣ a sync client.

  • Typically, a subset of the end systems serve as sync masters, while 1-2 switches per plane serve as compression masters.
  • The remaining devices serve as sync clients.

Devices exchange protocol control frames (PCFs) every integration cycle.

  • At the beginning of each integration cycle, every sync master sends a PCF containing its local clock value to the compression masters.
  • The compression masters average the received clock values, then send out the average in a new PCF to the sync masters and clients, which then correct their local clocks.

Receiving certain PCFs from a compression master can cause sync masters and clients to lose synchronisation.

  • An example of such PCFs is “coldstart acknowledgement”, which tells a sync master another sync master detected loss of synchronisation and is reestablishing it.
  • Since a PCF can cause de-synchronisation, TTEthernet requires each compression master to be a self-checking pair, which only produces a PCF if two independent processors agree on the contents.

Attacker/threat model for PCspooF

The PCspooF attack is feasible provided:

  • Attacker has access to at least one BE device, e.g.,
    • by supplying such a device (as a malicious supplier) for integration into the TTEthernet network before the network is deployed;
    • by connecting the device to the TTEthernet network after the network has been deployed.
  • Attacker can control the BE device operating in one plane; see Fig. 4.
  • Attacker-controlled BE device includes additional circuit components for conducting electromagnetic interference (EMI) through its Ethernet cable into a switch; see Fig. 5.
Fig. 4: Attacker controls one BE device in one plane [LPDK23, Fig. 1].
Fig. 5: Rogue BE device injects PCFs via EMI [LPDK23, Fig. 3].

The PCspooF attack

PCspooF is a cyber-physical attack that attempts to disrupt the TTEthernet synchronisation protocol by spoofing PCFs, and thereby inflict denial of service on its victim.

The attack happens in two stages:

  • Stage 1️⃣: This is the cyber stage, where the attacker fabricates a valid PCF.

    Fig. 6: (Top) Standard Ethernet frame vs (Bottom) TTEthernet frame [Lov15, Fig. 3].

    A PCF has the same structure as a standard minimum-sized Ethernet frame, but instead of a destination MAC address, it has a 4-byte Critical Traffic Marker (a special value used to identify all PCFs and TT traffic) and a 2-byte Virtual Link ID (also called Critical Traffic ID [Lov15], which identifies the source of a PCF); see Fig. 6.

    These two fields 👆 must match the values specified in the network schedule loaded onto the TTEthernet devices. These two fields happen to be the only fields that pose a challenge to spoof.

    Skipping the details [LPDK23, Sec. IIIA], an attacker can determine valid Critical Traffic Markers by abusing the Address Resolution Protocol and trying a maximum of around one billion possible values.

    Skipping the details again [LPDK23, Sec. IIIA], an attacker can try to use 4071 or 4070 as the Virtual Link ID, or in the worst case, try a maximum of 65536 values.

    The fabricated PCF is stored inside the payload of a benign BE frame, because TTEthernet switches drop PCFs from BE devices.

    The next stage is to trick a switch into forwarding the aforementioned BE frame as a PCF.

  • Stage 2️⃣: This is the physical stage, where the attacker uses EMI to convert a BE frame into a PCF during transmission.

    This is an example of a link reset attack, which in turn is an example of a packet-in-packet attack [GBM+11].

    Scenario: a BE device is transmitting to a switch, but the PHY preamble becomes corrupted, and consequently the PHY layer of the switch resets itself.

    Attacker uses the opportunity to send packet below:

    Fig. 7: Link reset attack, a type of packet-in-packet attack, uses a long preamble and embeds a malicious packet in a trojan packet [LPDK23, Fig. 5].

    In Fig. 7, the PHY layer and outgoing port of the switch recover during the transmission of the fake preamble.

    Result: Inner frame, which contains the fake PCF, gets sent.

    Corruption of PHY preamble can be achieved through EMI; see Figs. 8-9.

    Fig. 8: Common-mode voltage surge on an Ethernet twisted pair can cause EMI in spite of inductive/magnetic isolation [LPDK23, Fig. 6].
    Fig. 9: Implementing common-mode voltage surge and thereby EMI using an NPN BJT and a spark gap [LPDK23, Fig. 7].

Applying SPARTA

Using the language of SPARTA, these attack stages can be identified [The22]: 1️⃣ Reconnaissance, 2️⃣ Resource Development, 3️⃣ Initial Access, 4️⃣ Execution, 5️⃣ Lateral Movement, 6️⃣ Impact

Table 1 and Table 2 map these attack stages to the attack steps in PCspooF.

Table 1: The first three stages of PCspooF.
Reconnaissance (ST0001) Resource Development (ST0002) Initial Access (ST0003)
  • Gather Spacecraft Design Information (REC-0001), and specifically, Data Bus (REC-0001.04):

    😈 Attacker gathers information required for successful spoofing of TTEthernet frame fields (e.g., Critical Traffic Marker, Virtual Link ID) and design of EMI-injecting PCB.

  • Gather Supply Chain Information (REC-0008), and specifically, Hardware (REC-0008.01):

    😈 Attacker gathers information on the hardware in use, e.g., TTEthernet utilisation, EMI target.

  • Eavesdropping (REC-0005):

    😈 Attacker eavesdrops on the network to infer valid Critical Traffic Markers and Virtual Link IDs from devices’ responses or lack of response.

  • Stage Capabilities (RD-0004), and specifically, Identify/Select Delivery Mechanism (RD-0004.01):

    😈 Attacker identifies the ideal BE device to use for executing the attack.

  • Compromise Supply Chain (IA-0001), and specifically, Hardware Supply Chain (IA-0001.03):

    😈 Attacker sneaks the attacking BE device into the supply chain before or after the deployment of the targeted TTEthernet network.

  • Auxiliary Device Compromise (IA-0011):

    😈 Attacker investigates potential use of a USB/generic hardware vector instead of a BE device.

Table 2: The last three stages of PCspooF.
Execution (ST0004) Lateral Movement (ST0007) Impact (ST0009)
  • Time Synchronised Execution (EX-0008):

    😈 Attacker implements a “ticking timebomb” trigger, which activates attack after a preset amount of post-deployment time.

  • Flooding (EX-0013), and specifically, Erroneous Input (EX-0013.02):

    😈 Attacker brute-forces ARP requests and emissions of EMI.

  • Exploit Hardware/Firmware Corruption (EX-0005), and specifically, Design Flaws (EX-0005.01):

    😈 Attacker exploits weaknesses permitting aggressive ARP polling of BE devices, gathering of information (e.g., Critical Traffic Markers, Virtual Link IDs), and link reset attacks for spoofing PCFs (see Fig. 7).

  • Spoofing (EX-0014), and specifically, Bus Traffic (EX-0014.02):

    😈 Attacker injects spoofed PCFs via EMI-based link reset attacks.

  • Exploit Lack of Bus Segregation (LM-0002):

    😈 Attacker is enabled by the situation where critical (TT) and non-critical (BE) components share the same physical networking infrastructure to use a non-critical component (BE device) to disrupt the operations of critical components (TT devices).

  • Disruption (IMP-0002):

    😈 TTEthernet synchronisation broken, critical operations not being performed, leading to disruption of critical spacecraft operations (e.g., manoeuvring, sensing, communications) and overall mission.


[EDN16] R. Ernst and M. Di Natale, Mixed criticality systems—a history of misconceptions?, IEEE Design & Test 33 no. 5 (2016), 65–74.
[Fid15] C. Fidi, Time-Triggered Ethernet: CCSDS Meeting, slides, March 2015. Available at
[GBM+11] T. Goodspeed, S. Bratus, R. Melgares, R. Shapiro, and R. Speers, Packets in Packets: Orson Welles’ In-Band Signaling Attacks for Modern Radios, in WOOT’11: 5th USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies, 2011. Available at
[Lov15] A. Loveless, On TTEthernet for Integrated Fault-Tolerant Spacecraft Networks, in AIAA SPACE 2015 Conference and Exposition, 2015.
[LPDK23] A. Loveless, L. Phan, R. Dreslinski, and B. Kasikci, PCspooF: Compromising the Safety of Time-Triggered Ethernet, in 2023 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA, May 2023, pp. 572–587.
[The22] The Aerospace Corporation, Introducing SPARTA using PCSpooF: Cyber Security for Space Missions, Medium, December 2022. Available at

Picture of Yee Wei Law

Space Packet Protocol (SPP)

by Yee Wei Law - Saturday, 27 May 2023, 3:51 PM


In many space applications, it is desirable to have a single, common application-layer data structure for the creation, storage, and transport of variable-length application-layer data.

These data is expected to be 1️⃣ exchanged and stored on board, 2️⃣ transferred over one or more space data links, and 3️⃣ used within ground systems.

It is often necessary to identify the 1️⃣ type, 2️⃣ source, and/or 3️⃣ destination of these data.

The preceding needs motivate the definition of the Space Packet Protocol (SPP).

The SPP is designed as a self-delimited carrier of a data unit — called a Space Packet — that contains an application process identifier (APID) used to identify the data contents, data source, and/or data user within a given enterprise [CCS20d, Sec. 2.1.1].

Fig. 1 shows where the SPP sits in the CCSDS protocol stack.

Fig. 2 shows a communication scenario between a spacecraft and a ground terminal, where the SPP plays an important role.

Fig. 1: The SPP sits above the data link layer and below the upper layers in the CCSDS protocol stack [CCS20d, Figure 2-1], where CLA = convergence layer adapter.

Fig. 2: A sample communication scenario [CCS20a, Figure 9-12], featuring mission operations (MO) applications residing in the spacecraft’s onboard computer (OBC).

All OBC apps are under the control of a real-time operating system (RTOS); with the striped blocks running in hard real time.

Science operations (SO) functions are executed through Message Transfer Service, File and Packet Store Services, etc.

The yellow blocks represent the spacecraft onboard interface services (SOIS), and the SPP is one of these services.

Between the SPP and the MO applications sits the Message Abstraction Layer (MAL) [CCS13a], an important component of CCSDS’s Missions Operations Framework.

For applications on separate onboard computers, communications pass through the whole stack and use the physical subnetwork to communicate.

For applications on the same computer, communications pass through the stack to a local loopback function in the software bus.


APIDs are unique in a single naming domain [CCS20d, Sec. 2.1.3]

An APID naming domain usually corresponds to a spacecraft, or an element of a constellation of space vehicles.

Every space project allocates the APIDs to be used in a naming domain.

More precisely, the space project assigns APIDs to managed data paths within a naming domain.

Open-source implementations

The following open-source implementations are known at the time of writing:


[CCS13a] CCSDS, Mission Operations Message Abstraction Layer, Recommended Standard CCSDS, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, March 2013. Available at
[CCS20a] CCSDS, Application and Support Layer Architecture, Informational Report CCSDS 371.0-G-1, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, November 2020. Available at
[CCS20d] CCSDS, Space Packet Protocol, Recommended Standard CCSDS 133.0-B-2, The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, June 2020. Available at

Picture of Yee Wei Law

Spectre attacks

by Yee Wei Law - Monday, 3 April 2023, 11:34 AM

The Spectre attacks exploit the weakness CWE-1037 “Processor Optimization Removal or Modification of Security-critical Code”.

Modern processors use branch prediction and speculative execution to maximise performance, but the implementations of these optimisations in many processors were found to have broken a range of software security mechanisms, including operating system process separation, containerisation, just-in-time (JIT) compilation, and countermeasures to cache timing and side-channel attacks [KHF+20].

Watch the presentation given by one of the discoverers of Spectre attacks at the 40th IEEE Symposim on Security and Privacy:

More information on the Meltdown and Spectre website.


[KHF+20] P. Kocher, J. Horn, A. Fogh, D. Genkin, D. Gruss, W. Haas, M. Hamburg, M. Lipp, S. Mangard, T. Prescher, M. Schwarz, and Y. Yarom, Spectre attacks: Exploiting speculative execution, Commun. ACM 63 no. 7 (2020), 93 – 101.

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