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Picture of Yee Wei Law

Domain adaptation

by Yee Wei Law - Wednesday, 14 June 2023, 10:55 AM

Domain adaptation is learning a discriminative classifier or other predictor in the presence of a shift of data distribution between the source/training domain and the target/test domain [GUA+16].


[GUA+16] Y. Ganin, E. Ustinova, H. Ajakan, P. Germain, H. Larochelle, F. Laviolette, M. March, and V. Lempitsky, Domain-adversarial training of neural networks, Journal of Machine Learning Research 17 no. 59 (2016), 1–35.

Picture of Yee Wei Law


by Yee Wei Law - Tuesday, 20 June 2023, 2:35 PM

Deep neural networks (DNNs) employ a large number of parameters to learn complex dependencies of outputs on inputs, but overfitting often occurs as a result.

Large DNNs are also slow to converge.

The dropout method implements the intuitive idea of randomly dropping units (along with their connections) from a network during training [SHK+14].

Fig. 1: Sample effect of applying dropout to a neural network in (a). The thinned network in (b) has units marked with a cross removed [SHK+14, Figure 1].


[SHK+14] N. Srivastava, G. Hinton, A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever, and R. Salakhutdinov, Dropout: A simple way to prevent neural networks from overfitting, Journal of Machine Learning Research 15 no. 56 (2014), 1929–1958. Available at