Topic outline

  • This course introduces students to the theory and practice of decision-making, both as individuals and as a team - the way decisions are made in most organisations.

    Due to the critical nature of most decisions made in business, understanding the processes behind how decisions are made is a critical one.  However, it is also important to understand the influence of group dynamics and team work issues in relation to decision making.

    Please note ****  Seminars and Workshops start in the first week for this course - please read your email ****

    Choices made by managers in organisations can lead to the success or ultimate downfall of an organisation

    With this in mind, this course aims to illustrate the different types of problems and decisions managers may face and the types of information systems they may use to enable this to be a more successful process.

    Ultimately, most decisions depend on the experience and knowledge and personality type of the manager and others involved in making the decisions.  However, using the right tools that technology now makes available can not only reduce the risk of bad decisions in the long run, but help managers keep track of the current state of their organisation with the assistance of other stakeholders.