
  • Welcome to students who did not attend last week.

Topic 2 Theory Discussion

  • Students had the opportunity to identify any theory issues from this week that they did not understand
  • Most tables were confident with their understanding
  • Two tables had additional clarification of the terms divergent and convergent thinking. We discussed them using the example of a funnel - convergent thinking is like starting at the top of the funnel and working towards one best option where divergent thinking is starting with a small amount of information and seeking multiple alternatives (from the bottom of the funnel to the top)

Personality and Decision Style

  • In their organisations students discussed what their personality type results (MBTI) and decision styles were and if they agreed with the descriptions given.
  • The "What Simpsons Character Are You?" discussion was a lot of fun, identifying the different characters in the room. What was more important from this was to identify key characteristics of each personality type and how this might affect decision making, particularly in a team environment.

Personalities within the Organisation

  • Time ran out today - we had too much fun looking at our personality types.
  • I asked students about a recent news item - James Packer purchasing a large amount of land to build a casino in Las Vegas. We had a quick brainstorm about his personality and decision style and how it might have affected this recent decision.
  • Students were asked to look at the people within their allocated organisation that are making the news, what their personality type is and to think about how this might impact on the decisions made for the organisation.


  • Expectations were discussed - a copy of the Wordle (see previous blog entry) was shown and discussed outlining the key areas (biggest words) that were identified by the students as being their expectations of the course
  • I agreed to work on all student expectations of the teaching staff and to keep aware of student requirements
  • I then outlined my expectations of the students
    • Come to class prepared having completed the pre-class activities
    • Be prepared to contribute
    • Make sure you ask questions
    • As I get many emails per day please ensure that you put a clear subject in the subject line of the email and allow at least 24 hours for a response (I get at least 300 emails per day)
Last modified: Wednesday, 6 August 2014, 3:34 PM