Business Decision Video

  • The class commenced with the watching of this video. It is a compilation of news articles about each of the 11 organisations assigned to students for analysis throughout the seminar classes.


  • A brief introduction to how the seminars will operate.
    • Students have been assigned to an organisation for each of the seminars. 
    • Students need to undertake pre-class activities and where it refers to "Your organisation" it means that one that has been assigned to you (and the table you are seated at during the seminar).
    • There is a company wiki (see wiki link on webpage) for you to upload information related to your organisation. This will help with your Assignment 1 as well.
    • The seminars are an opportunity to ask questions about the theory you have covered in your pre-class activities and then to apply the theory to current real business situations.

Problems and Decisions

  • Round table discussions were held within each business organisation to look at the research students had undertaken (or take the opportunity to research their organisation further)
  • Each "organisation" reported back to the entire seminar with what they had found about recent problems and decisions made by their organisation.


  • In the workshops students had an opportunity to take this further by understanding the different categories of problems and decisions
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 August 2014, 2:24 PM