Writing for specific assignments

Writing a report

1. Report writing 1 Class video presentation(12:14 mins)

Video presented by Dr Shashi Nallaya looking at report writing for a specific assessment.Covers definition and structure of a report, presentation of findings, and examples.  

This presentation can be shown to students as a video, or as an interactive online presentation, which can be controlled by the student. The students watch the presentation on 'players' which allow them to move forward or back through the slides, progress at their own speed, annotate or highlight individual slides, and search the text. (See more information).

Video iconWatch the video in the Panopto viewer (It will open in a new browser window, and you may need to log in with your UniSA login details). 

Url icon Give this link to a class to watch individually (more information): https://unisa.au.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=6ff66542-da51-49bd-89b1-aa75018b22d0   You can also download the presentation (60 MB) as a video file from this link (more information). 

PowerPoint icon Download the slides (you can adjust to suit your class) ( 2 MB)

Zip icon Give students an interactive online presentation ( 13.4 MB) (See more information)

2. Report writing 2 Presentation for students

PowerPoint slides for a class session looking at the characteristics and structure of a report, preparation for writing a report, and how to write the sections, with examples. 

PP iconDownload the slides (645 KB)

3. Report writing for Psychology Student handout

Word document developed for Psychology students, focusing on the specific sections and content for a report in this field.   

Word iconDownload the word doc (257 KB)

4. Report writing for Social Work Student handout

Word document developed for Social Work students, focusing on the specific elements of a report in this field.

Word iconDownload the word doc (42 KB)

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