Reflection and ethical action

UniSA  Graduate Quality 5. A graduate is committed to ethical action and social responsibility as a professional and citizen.

People draw upon the processes , experiences and understanding generated through critical reflection on action to develop their own ethics and values. The introductory module provided examples of how students in the International Management Ethics and Values explored and explained ethical dimensions of the topics about which they are writing.

Consider these reflections from a student as another example:

The company that I used to work for would send all of us supervisors and managers to an annual ethical training seminar/workshop. The training was expensive and time consuming for the organisation to pay for and I never felt like I got much out of it. Looking back on it now, I feel like the most valued part of the experience, for the organisation, was the bit at the end where we signed our names to say we had received ethical training. I never got the feeling that our employer wanted us to change our behaviour, I just felt like they wanted (or needed) some official documentation that would show that they had been proactive in ethics training – just in case any of us did anything wrong and got caught. It’s interesting that such a laid back approach was taken to the training sessions yet so much emphasis was placed on the signature at the bottom of the training roster.  (unnamed, Entry #2 (Week 5))

Next: Activity 3 - revisit Park 4 and examine it this time from an ethical perspective.  How would the writing vary to capture this perspective?

Last modified: Thursday, 15 October 2015, 10:07 AM