Activity 4

Codes of ethics for professions can vary in terms of complexity and tailoring to specific needs.  A simple question you could ask before acting is: would I want to read about my action in tomorrow's newspaper?


You are to conduct a search of your chosen profession, or one closest to the profession to which you aspire, and its professional body or organisation and locate a Code of Conduct or Code of Ethics or something similar.  Once located,  attempt to align as many of the UniSA Graduate Qualities with the code as seems possible. Read the UniSA GQ descriptors to assist you in this matching.

For example: is the link to the Career Development Association of Australia website. Click onto the link within the homepage to the Professional Standards for Australian Career Development Professionals link.    Within the Professional Standards you will see several pages outlining the Ethical Code of Practice for all who are career development practitioners.

3.3.1 Ethical principles for professional competency and practice includes 10 descriptors of what this one principle embraces.  Embedded within the descriptors are at least three of the UniSA GQs – are you able to identify them?

Your turn: Now, conduct an internet search and locate a professional organisation to which you currently belong or are likely to belong to in the future.  Identify their Code of Ethics (be aware it can be called a number of different things).  Copy the professional code of ethics into your folder and identify next to each statement, where possible, the GQ’s that align with any of the statements from the professional code.

Next: Ethical decision making

Last modified: Thursday, 15 October 2015, 10:07 AM