Topic outline

  • Co-Convenors

    Dr Sarah Hattam (Senior Lecturer) & Associate Professor Chris Deneen (Enterprise Research Fellow)

    Guest Presenters

    Professor Barbara Comber & Emeritus Professor Robert Hattam

    Welcome to the Researching While Teaching Series.

    Building on the success of the action research series run in the College in 2018-2020 and Education Futures in 2021, the RWT series is being run again in 2022. This series is perfect for Teaching Focused Academics looking to maximise their 20 per cent scholarship time allocation. 

    The series provides the opportunity for mentoring in the development of quality research of higher education pedagogy (or, otherwise known as Scholarship of Teaching). These workshops are being offered to all UniSA academic staff who are prepared to sign up for the set of 7 workshops, and who want to be part of a small cohort working collectively on advancing their research of higher education pedagogy.

    The series follows a whole of year action research process but variations can be negotiated. There is a specific focus on supporting the systematic researching of your own practice with a view to presenting (Part 1) and publishing your research findings (Part 2). In addition, your research of your teaching can be utilised in Higher Education Academy (HEA) fellowship applications, Australian Award for University Teaching (AAUT) applications or the local UniSA Citations for Teaching Excellence.

    Our newly appointed Education Futures Enterprise Research Fellow, Associate Professor Chris Deenen is launching Part 2 of the series in 2022 to extend the mentoring process from ‘doing’ to ‘publishing’ in high quality journals, establishing a funding trajectory and developing your research network. Schedule of Part 2 released in early 2022. Please consider the feedback of a 2021 RWT participant and the schedule to help you make your decision to join us in 2022!

    I have been pushed, inspired, and encouraged by such meaningful engagement with our colleagues across Education Futures and the insight into the innovative teaching they are engaged in. There is no doubt it has enhanced my teaching (I don’t recall such impactful shifts in my practice in many years), as well in my emerging scholarship, and most significantly, as my students’ (colleagues’) feedback (data) attests, their student experience in the course. As we all know, there is tick a box professional development (that we survive through), and there is meaningful professional learning that hits the mark (that we thrive in) – this has most certainly been the later. I am very excited that this will be offered next year and look forward to picking up where I left off here to advance my SoT further (towards publication and sharing) (2021 participant, Lecturer Dylan Chown).

    We welcome you to the series and hope you find the experience rewarding and insightful.