Topic Name Description
Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of our Students File Students in Crisis
Supporting Students with a Disability File How to support students with a disability
File Conversation starters
Supporting Students from Refugee Backgrounds File Students from refugee background
File Powerpoint Slides of Webinar
What is Enabling Pedagogy? File New students and enabling pedagogies; Stokes, J.
File Enabling Pedagogies at Uni of Newcastle; Bennett, A et al
File Teaching Inclusively; Burke, P.
File Agents for change; Stokes, J. & Ulpen, T.
File Liberation and Connection in Enabling Education
File Hattam & Bilic article
What is Culturally Responsive Pedagogy File Santoro Reading
File Morrison et al Reading
File Gay Reading
Guiding Principles of Teaching Squares File CRP reading
Teaching Squares Handbook and resources File !Teaching squares workbook V1
Higher Education Pedagogy Workshops 2024 File Engaging alienated young people
File Rentention Strategies
File Funds of knowledge
File Does social class matter in higher education
File Emotional Labour in Enabling Education
File Inclusive teaching in HE
File Morrison et al Culturally Responsive Pedagogies
File Ladson-Billing Culturally Responsive Pedagogy
File McGill A paradigm shift in education
Professional Learning Workshops File Does social class matter in HE? workshop
File Tutor Training Workshop Schedule
File Capability and Belonging
File Supporting Students from Low-SES Backgrounds
File Planning for Success
File Explicit Teaching Workshop Powerpoint
File Belonging and Capability Workshop Powerpoint
File Supporting Students with a Disability Presentation
File The art of being an enabling educator
File Liberation and Connection in enabling education
File Experience of being first-in-family
URL Experience of being first-in-family
File Cost and constraints of being first-in-family to HE
File Forming and transforming identity
File Supporting Refugee Presentation
File Supporting Aboriginal Students
File Action Research Presentation
Page Repository of Workshop Powerpoints

File Burke and Crozier 2013

Burke, P.J. and Crozier, G., 2013. Teaching inclusively: Changing pedagogical spaces. Report submitted to the Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education (CEEHE), University of Newcastle, Australia.

Building a Community of Practice Page Reference list
RWT 1 2024 Resources File Workshop 2 Slides
File Action Research Book
File Susie & Shaan Journal Article
File Workshop 3 Slides
File How to write survey slides
File Ethics slides
Resources File What is action research
Page College Publications- Higher Education Focussed
File Critical Pedagogy
File Enhancing agency and fostering hope in a global sociology course

File Action Research Template
File Presentation on Action Research TIU Symposium 2018
File Presentation on Action Research NAEEA Conference 2019
File SoTL Workshop 1 Powerpoint
File Reading 1: Hattam & Prosser
File Reading 2: Comber
File Reading 1: Comber and Kamler
File Reading 2: Ripin Connecting Lives and Learning
File Workshop 2 powerpoint slides
File Reading 1: Funds of knowledge
File Reading 2: Funds of knowledge
File Reading 3: Funds of knowledge
File Week 3 Workshop slides
File UniSA College presentation
File Authentic assessement article
File RWT Introductory Slides
File Biggs article
File KIft, Nelson & Clarke article

File Education Futures 2021 Symposium Schedule
File Action Research Contents Page
File JSU Workshop 2
File Sarah's Action Research Chapter
File Schratz 1992 Reading
File Kemmis Reading
File RWT Workshop 1 28 March
File Sarah Action Research Chapter
File Example Template - Raymond & Gilson
File RWT Workshop 1 Newcastle Uni
File RWT Workshop 2 Powerpoint UoN
File RWT Workshop 3 powerpoint JUS
File RWT Workshop 2 EDC HLTH & Business powerpoint
File Feldman et al Action research guide
File Finding a starting point for your research
File Example of action research
File Utilising democratic pedagogies to engage wih pre-service teachers voices to co-create a supportive learning framework

File Shaking up lectures to support learners in anatomy & physiology
File Will enabling pedagog practices enhance students learning in an online first-year undergraduate OUA course?

File Making 'autonomy given' the 'sweetspot' for learning: scaffolding students with self-assesment practice
File Enabling approaches in undergraduate courses - a case for crossing the divide
File Decoding the hidden curriculum in final essay preparation in a sociology course
File Apathy, boredom or misunderstood? Engaging students in the politics of language and the language of politics in a critical literacy course
File Example of action research in English language teaching

File Exploring effective, sustainable strategies in teaching Learning English: Achievement and Proficiency (LEAP) levels
File The Overarching Protocol Template
File Example: Participant Information Sheet
File The Consent Form
File The Research Tools Template
File Example of Survey Questions
File Example of Focus Group Questions
File Powerpoint of Ethics Presentation
File EDC Workshop 3 Powerpoint
File JUS Workshop 3 Powerpoint
File JUS Workshop #5 ppt
File JUS Workshop #4
File ED BUS HLTH Workshop #4
File Newcastle RWT workshop 3 ppt
File Newcastle RWT Workshop 4 ppt
File JUS RWT Workshop 6
File Workshop 5 Newcastle RWT
File Workshop 5 EDUC HLTH BUS RWT
File Practical Guide on Conducting AR in HE
File RWT Workshop 6 EDC BUS HLTH
File Building Educational Theory through action research
File Teacher Research as Stance
File Dialogic inquiry
File Action research and the personal turn
File Action Research for Social Justice
File Educational action research
File Action Research Presentation Template
File RWT Workshop 7 JUS
File RWT Worksop 6 Newcastle
File Enabling Pedagogy Chapter
File Real Hope workshop powerpoint
File Multiliteracies
File Inclusive Teaching Practices in HE
File Care-full pedagogies Motta & Bennett
File Workshop 3 2023 slides
Real Hope Project File RWT 2024 Workshop 1
File Doing Action Research in HE
Enabling Pedagogy Online Modules Page Reference list (copy)
File PIS 2022