About the project

The Working collaboratively Learning object was created as a result of a scholarly project between Wendy Piltz and Diana Quinn.

Wendy has been teaching Group Dynamics at the University of South Australia, and had developed the Wheel model to her her students understand the differing aspects of group work. Wendy had written and presented papers about using the model to her peers.

Diana has been teaching Haematology for 10 years during which she developed an interest in the use of online teaching to support learning. She has continue to develop these skills during her appointment as Senior Lecturer: Professional development (Online teaching and learning) with the Flexible Learning Centre (FLC).

Diana and Wendy met when Diana needed to develop resources for staff about teaching and assessing collaboration, Graduate Quality 4. The idea of producing an online Learning object that could support both students and staff in self-directed development of Graduate Quality 4 (collaboration skills) arose from this meeting.

To create the space to engage with this scholarly project a grant application was made to the Division of Health Sciences. The successful application is available as a download. The project was also included on the Division of Health/FLC Service agreement in 2003 and 2004.

Wendy and Diana scoped the Learning Object quickly, creating a framework, and then developed the materials progressively during 2004. Robert Moller from the FLC developed the graphics and animations. The Working collaboratively Learning object will be trialled and evaluated during 2005. Reports and journal articles describing the project are planned.

If you are interested in developing Learning objects to support students and staff with other Graduate Qualities, please contact a Professional development staff member at Learning Connection.

Last modified: Friday, 24 July 2015, 3:20 PM