Teaching square - either 2nd half of SP2 or sometime in SP5

Teaching square - either 2nd half of SP2 or sometime in SP5

by Anne Brady-Clark -
Number of replies: 0

Hi Tanya,

I would be delighted to take part in another teaching square this year. Last year I was able to be a part of this process and really enjoyed it, especially having coffee with my colleagues and hearing what they had learned about their own teaching. This SP, I've been able to immediately implement some changes to my own teaching style and it has provided me with a stronger connection with my students. 

This is a great initiative and I can't wait to take part in it again in 2022. 

I'd love to hear from others who are also interested in joining in a teaching square with me. I'm situated at City West and teach into enabling education, but would like the opportunity to attend classes that are held at either Magill or Mawson Lakes - especially undergrad courses.

