Topic Name Description
Clinical Grids File 2024 Clinical Grid (Non-Honours) - MI
File 2024 Clinical Grid (Non-Honours) - RT
File 2024 Clinical Grid (Non-Honours) - NM
Clinical Supervisor Meetings File 2024 Medical Radiation Science (Common) Slides
File 2024 MI Breakout Room Slides
File 2024 RT Breakout Room Slides
File 2024 NM Breakout Room Slides
Medical Imaging Clinical Practice 1 File 2022 CP1 Information for Clinical Mentors
File CP1 Supervision Levels and Student Expectations
File 2022 CP1 Formative Report
File 2022 CP1 Summative Report
Medical Imaging Clinical Practice 2 File CP2 Supervision Levels and Student Expectations
File 2024 CP2 Information for Clinical Mentors
File 2024 CP2 Summative Report
Medical Imaging Clinical Practice 3 File CP3 Supervision Levels and Student Expectations
File CP3 Mentor Information Sheet
File 2023 Summative Report CP3
File 2023 Formative Report Form CP3
File 2023 Course outline
Medical Imaging Clinical Practice 4 File CP4 Summative Report Form
File CP4 Supervision Levels and Student Expectations
File CP4 Formative Report Form
File Instructions for CP4 Clinical Mentors
Medical Imaging Professional Entry Practice 1 File 2022 PEP1 Summative Report
File PEP1 Supervision Levels and Student Expectations
File 2022 PEP1 Formative Report
Medical Imaging Professional Entry Practice 2 File PEP2 Supervision Levels and Student Expectations
File 2022 PEP2 Summative Report
File 2022 PEP2 Formative Report
Clinical Supervisor Guide File 2024 Clinical Sites Supervisor and Mentor Guide
File Supervisor cover letter 2024
Nuclear Medicine Clinical Practice 1 File NM Clinical Practice 1 Course Outline 2024
File CP1 Formative Clinical Report
File CP1 Summative Clinical Report
Nuclear Medicine Clinical Practice 3 File CP3 Formative Clinical Report RADY 4039 2024
File CP3 Summative Clinical Report RADY 4039 2024
File CourseOutline CP3
Nuclear Medicine Clinical Practice 4 File NM Honours Clinical Practice 4 Course Outline
File NM Clinical Practice 4 Course Outline
File CP4 Formative Clinical Report RADY 4040 4041 2023
File CP4 Summative Clinical Report RADY 4040 4041 2023
Nuclear Medicine Professional Entry Practice 1 File PEP1 Formative Clinical Report RADY 4043 4044
File PEP1 Summative Clinical Report RADY 4043 4044
File CourseOutlinePEP1Hon
File CourseOutlinePEP1
Radiation Therapy Resources File 2024 Clinical Grid non-honours RT only
File Formative/Summative Reports
File Formative/Summative Report Userguide
File CP1 Mentor Sheet
File CP1 Supervision Guidelines
File RT CP1 Course Outline
File CP2a 2024 supervision sheet
File CP2a Clinical Mentor Sheet
File Clinical mentor sheet - CP3 Feb - April 2024
File CP3 supervision levels and expectations
File CP4 Clinical Mentor sheet
File CP4 supervision guidelines
File Clinical Mentor Sheet - PEP1
File Clinical Mentor Honours Sheet - PEP1
File PEP1 Supervision Guideline
File PEP1 Supervision Honours Guideline