Topic outline

  • Welcome to an Introduction to Reflective Practice

    This online module is designed as an introduction to reflective practice for students at the University of South Australia. A second module, Critical Reflective Practice, that expands on this topic is also available.

    Reflective practice is a key skill for developing as a professional.  'Only through contemplating what one is doing and why can one demonstrate that intelligent and competent practice ensues’ (Thorpe, 2004, p.330).

    Employers regularly highlight their need for people with both the appropriate professional knowledge and skills in critical reflective thinking.  They recognise that the workplace is where employing staff with an ability to develop creative solutions to problems, who can work within ethical frameworks and who are able to step outside formulaic approaches to challenges are highly desirable assets to their organisation.

    Developing skills in reflective practice also supports lifelong learning, one of UniSA's Graduate Qualities.

    By completing this module you will:

    • gain an understanding of reflective practice by engaging with learning activities
    • differentiate levels and processes of reflection
    • develop an awareness of your personal strengths and learning opportunities
    • use reflective writing to demonstrate your learning development.

    Please allow 3 hours to complete this module.   Click on this link to begin the module

    It has been developed by the Learning and Teaching Unit at UniSA by Learning Adviser Virginia Hussin and Academic Developer Margaret Faulkner