Activity 3: Guided Reflective Writing

The aim of this activity is to develop your skills at reflective writing.  Referring to the 4 stage reflective practice model, reflect on a recent significant event.  This could be something you have personally experienced or have heard about from other sources, e.g. friends, news report, newspaper, magazine, etc.

Click on this link to download a word document Guided Reflective Writing template created to record your reflection. 

As mentioned earlier in this module, there are a number of ways to record your reflection, recording your response in writing is only one method.  You may choose to record your thoughts orally (via a voice recorder), draw a mindmap showing how responses are connected, or a combination of these methods.

Record your response to this event in sentence form next to the questions that are relevant to you.  For instance, if your event does not have an obvious beginning, middle and end you can skip this part of the template. 

It is also a good idea to think about the graduate quality you are developing at different stages of your reflection. For example, you will probably find that you are developing Graduate Quality 2: Lifelong learning throughout the reflection process so you will need to refer to this at each stage.

You are now ready to complete the last activity in this module that uses an alternative template to assist reflection on experiential learning and making connections on how this has developed graduate qualities.  This type of reflection can be used as evidence of service learning that occurs in any aspect of your life.

Last modified: Thursday, 12 November 2015, 12:18 PM