Other sample templates

  The templates listed below are not supported by UniSA. If you have problems using them, UniSA IT-Help disclaims any responsibility for helping you.

  • Use this page to choose a template for your thesis.
  • A separate link is provided to comments on each template.

Choose a template

    Sample thesis templates

    Look at the following templates to make your preference. Comments on each template are provided to help you decide.

    1. These templates are from other universities, so you should ignore the preliminary pages (title page, disclaimer, contents and so on). UniSA has its own requirements for these.
    2. US university thesis styles can differ from common practice in Australia. For example, US theses use capitals more often in headings. The common practice in Australia is for minimal capitals in headings and reference lists.
    Environmental Geochemistry Research Group thesis and dissertation template Comments
    Georgia Tech basic MS Word thesis template Comments
    California State University, Fresno Comments
    Sunil Patel LaTeX thesis template (private website)
    This template uses LaTeX, software designed to process mathematical symbols. S
    tudents who are seeking to use this template are advised to liaise with their supervisor(s).
    University of Pittsburgh thesis and dissertation templates Comments


    Last modified: Wednesday, 20 December 2023, 9:42 AM