Insert Text

Insert Text is an MS Word alternative to the Master document method of compiling your thesis.

Combine your separate chapters, reference list, appendices and preliminary pages into a single document, prior to printing.

  1. Put all your thesis sections into one folder
  2. Create thesis main body in Word 2010 and 2007
  3. Attach the preliminary pages to your thesis


1. Put all your thesis sections into one folder

Begin by moving all chapters, appendices, reference list and preliminary pages into a new folder labelled Thesis.

2. Create thesis main body in Word 2010 and 2007

These instructions are for Word 2007. For Word 2010, replace Office Button with File.

  1. Open chapter 1 of your thesis
  2. Select Office Button > Save As
  3. Name the new file Thesis final
  4. Select the folder Thesis
  5. Click on Save (the last four steps create and save the final version of your thesis)
  6. Place the cursor after the last line of the open document
  7. Click on image for inserting textGo to Insert tab > Text group > Object (open down arrow to right) > Text from File (click on image at right to view this sequence)
  8. From the Insert File dialog box that opens, find and open your Thesis folder
  9. Click on chapter 2
    (chapter 2 will be inserted after chapter 1 on an automatic new page
    page numbers will also be updated)
  10. Click on Insert (lower right corner)
  11. Place the cursor after the last line of Thesis final
  12. Repeat steps 6 to 10 to insert chapter 3
    (chapter 3 will be inserted after chapter 2 on an automatic new page)
  13. Go to Office Button > Save
  14. Repeat the above sequence for each separate chapter, your reference list and appendices in that order

The text of your thesis with its reference list and appendices is now a single document. The next step is to insert the preliminary pages.

