Binding your thesis

Examination copies and final copies of your thesis must be securely bound. Refer to Appendix 4, Academic regulations for higher degrees by research (see the section 'Binding' for the type of thesis relevant to you).

The following bookbinders offer thesis binding services:

Academic Bookbinding Co 43 Bakewell Road, EVANDALE 8362 3649
Archival Products Aust. Pty Ltd 18 Belfast Street, HENLEY BEACH 8355 2069
Chasdor Bindery Pty Ltd 128 Grange Road, ALLENBY GARDENS 8346 9218
Riggs Bindery 36 Sussex Street, WARRADALE 8296 1049
Vellum Binding and Printing 2 Everard Avenue, KESWICK 8293 2225
William Harley & Son Pty Ltd 28 Dew Street, THEBARTON 8443 7515