

The process of appointing a student to a placement in a Placement Block.  This might be via an automated or manual allocation process:

Automated Allocation
A configurable option on the Placement Block that will enable the system to auto-allocate students based on student preferences submitted in the system. The allocation may occur on a Random or First-In-First-Out basis.

Manual Allocation
A process of manually allocating a student directly to a Placement Management Record.  This might be appropriate where allocation is decided via interview or other such Site-based evaluation process.

Claimable Time

A record of the total number of days/hours that can be Claimed for a Placement Management Record.  If Total Payment Claims exceeds this threshold the user must use an override.


Comment fields are available across the system to allow the internal recording of information.  Comments are never displayed outside of the system unless requested as part of a report.


A person affiliated with a Site or Organisation who is engaged in some way with placements. These can be Site based contacts such as Site Mentors, Clinical Facilitator; or Organisation based contacts such as CEO’s, Managers, or Reception staff.

Course Offering

A combination of a Course, Location, Partner, Language and Mode of Study. Course Offerings are not currently recognised within the Student System (Medici) but would be a valuable element to enable further granularity in Placement Blocks for same courses.

Effective Dating

An Effective Date is a date assigned to a particular action, such as a status change or change to information.  An effective date enables synchronised changes to data which means you don’t lose historically relevant information. 

Experiential Learning Course

Any Course offered as part of any Program that includes a period of time spent on-site in a Student Placement associated with the Course either to observe or to obtain ‘real world’ practical skills.  Experiential learning in the context of Student Placements in Medici relates to practice-based or service-based learning within the context of the approved definition of Student Placement for the Student Placement System.


Groups are a logical collection of Sites and/or Organisations primarily to be used as an attribute for reporting purposes. A group may be established to show a collaboration, or network of Organisations/Sites (eg. CPA firms, CNAHS group of Hospitals).


The Location represents the precise place, or physical address/es, in which an Organisation is conducting its business.  An Organisation may have one or many Locations.


Organisations can be a company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof.  The Organisation may be a public, private, or government body that has its own functions and administration.  The Organisation represents the arrangement of human and physical resources based upon the need to control and integrate the various activities of the organisation into departments or divisions (Sites) over one or many Locations.

Payment Claims

Payment Claims are requests for payment made by an Organisation, Site or Contact for their time spent on a Placement. This might be in the capacity of supervising or mentoring a student.

Claims are managed on a per placement basis, and must be approved in the system before the Placement Block can be closed. 

A Placement Block is able to be configured to require the recording of the Student’s report before claims can be approved.

Placement Administrator

University staff that access the Student Placement System in the administration of all facets of Student Placement administration. 

These Users have particular privileges and security access permissions to enable appropriate configuration and maintenance of Student Placement activities.

Placement Agreement

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Affiliation Agreement, Industry Agreement, Site Agreement, or other such legal document that outlines the agreed conditions of students attending placement at the Placement Provider.  The primary focus with respect to Student Placements in Medici is the provision of insurance cover for students undertaking Placements with that Placement Provider.

In the absence of a formal agreement between the University and the Organisation/Site, an FS23 form must be completed for each Placement agreed with that Placement Provider.

Placement Block

A Placement Block is a configured item within the system which represents a period of time during which a student, or group of students, will undertake placement in a given program or course.

A placement block can only be associated with one program or course (but may have many classes linked) for the purposes of enrolment/program validation. 

Where more than one course or program require students to undertake placement over the same period, multiple Placement Blocks must be created.  Any given course or program may have more than once placement block at any point in time.

Placement Block for a Course

A Placement Block where all placements relate to a course curriculum requirement, or as part of an approved placement activity for a course.   

Placement Block for a Program

A Placement Block where all placements relate to a program requirement, or as part of an approved placement activity for a program.

Placement Block Type

Each Placement Block must be assigned a type code that reflects the nature of the placements contained within the placement block.

Some placement block type values will be noted as being ‘non-AGS’ meaning that any placements within that placement block will not appear on the Australian Graduation Statement.  This is the case where these placements are not required as a part of curriculum, but have been appropriately authorised as being consistent with program or course learning.  For example, those Placements allocated under the Work Placement Scheme.

Placement Condition Types

Students may be required to satisfy certain conditions in order to undertake a placement. These could be imposed by the University or the Placement Provider, and might include such things as the provision of a National Police Certificate or Senior First Aid Certificate, proof of immunisation, or completion of a requisite course or training activity. 

These conditions will be designated as one of two types:

1.     Compulsory – these are Conditions that must be satisfied before a particular stage in the Placement process can be passed.  For example, Pre-Preference Conditions must be satisfied before a student will be able to submit preferences.

2.     Additional – these Conditions are not mandatory checks in the Placement process, but will generally be imposed by the Placement Provider on the day of placement.

Condition types may have require the recording of an issue and/or expiry date for the purposes of ensuring currency and relevance of the condition evidence.

Note that the Student Placements in Medici system will not keep electronic copies of the evidence, but only that it was sighted by a specific person on a specific date.

Placement Evaluation

Two types of evaluation may occur for a Student Placement. This will either be a Site Report, undertaken by the Student; or a Student Report, undertaken by the Site.

Placement Management Record (PMR)

In the Student Placements in Medici system a PMR represents the placement.  A PMR will include student, status, placement provider, start and end dates, and all other elements relevant to the placement.

Placement Officers

A system user authorised to access all general administration functions within the System, but not extended to Correction Access, and setup and configuration changes. 

Placement Provider

A body associated with providing student placements to UniSA students.  The Placement Provider will be recognised as an Organisation (Firm/Partnership/Company), at one or many Locations (physical and/or mailing addresses), at where there may be one or a number of Sites (departments/business units).

Placement Type

Relates directly to the Course Component (in Medici) that the Placements within a Block relate (e.g. Practicum, Clinical Placement, etc). 

A Course Component will have a one-to-many relationship with Classes, where multiple classes may exist within the same Study Period, or indeed over multiple Study Periods. 

In the case of a course based Placement Block, a Student must have an active enrolment in a Class of the respective Course Component to be eligible to undertake the Student Placement within that Placement Block.

Pre-Allocation Conditions

These are Compulsory Conditions that must be satisfied before the Student is allocated to a Placement Management Record.

Where a student has not met Pre-Allocation Conditions, a manual allocation can be undertaken by a Placement Administrator or Officer.

Establishing Conditions at this level is configurable within the Placement Block.

Pre-Approval Conditions

These are Compulsory Conditions that must be satisfied before the Student is able to be notified of their confirmed placement.

Initially the system will only display Pre-Approval Conditions that are imposed at the Course/Program level. Once the student has been allocated any Pre-Approval compulsory conditions imposed by the Placement Provider will also appear to the student.

All Conditions, including those that are Pre-Preference or Pre-Allocation will be rechecked at this point also to ensure ongoing validity.

Pre-Preference Condition

These are Compulsory Conditions that must be satisfied before the Student can undertake Preference Recording. 

Where a student has not met Pre-Preference Conditions, a manual recording of preferences can be undertaken by a Placement Administrator or Officer.

Establishing Conditions at this level is configurable within the Placement Block.  

Preference Submission Dates

The key dates assigned in the Placement Block configuration process to enable a student to submit preferences. 

At the point of the Preference Submission Closing Date the student will be unable to change their Preferences without a Placement Administrator intervening, and only until the Allocation process occurs. 

Preference Types

Preference Types are configurable within the Placement Block to control the types of preferences available to Student Preference Recording.  The available types will be Site, Region, and Site Focus.

Additionally, the Placement Administrator will be able to specify the number of preferences allowed for each configured type in a Placement Block.


A geographical area that a Site belongs to. This is an attribute of Location data for an Organisation. 

This is used in the Student Preference Recording process to enable a Student to identify a particular geographical area that is preferred for their Placement.


Site represents a department or division within an Organisation. A Site must be part of an Organisation at one of its Locations. 

Student Placements are provided by Organisations at respective Sites, and therefore a Student Placement is always recorded at Site level.

Site will also be a configurable Preference Type, and as such will enable the Student to identify one or many Sites that is preferred for their Placement.

Site Exclusions

A Placement Block may be configured to enable students to record Sites that must be excluded in the Allocation process. These are Sites that for any reason the student does not wish to be allocated, including recent attendance or employment, family connections, or any other such personal reason.

Site Focus

The particular focus of the activities being undertaken for a Placement at the Site within the Placement Block.   This is an attribute of a Site.

A Site may have one or many Site Foci.  Placement Providers will be required to identify the Site Foci for each Placement offered.

This is used in the Student Preference Recording process to enable a Student to identify a particular area of business or trade that is preferred for their Placement.

Site Repeats

A configurable option for a Placement Block to allow or deny allocation of a student to the same Site that they’ve previously been allocated to on a Placement Management Record.  

Site Report

A report provided by the Student regarding the student’s placement experience, including potentially an evaluation of the placement provider.

The existence of the Report can be recorded in the Student Placement System, but has no impact on any processes.

Special Circumstance Values

A Placement Block may be configured to enable Students to select from a list of predefined values with respect to any special needs.  These needs will relate to requirements of the Site, including Disability Access.

A Student identifying themselves with Special Circumstances will need to be manually allocated.

Student Placement

(as approved by SPS Steering Group 2 June 2009)

Any work experience, work placement, practicum, clinical or field placement that requires students to undertake activities in a work setting.  The Placement may either form part of the formal requirements of an academic program as defined in the program schedule or course statement and approved through the Coursework Program Approval process, or alternatively be an approved placement linked to a student’s enrolment in a course or program, established as part of the University’s Work Placement Scheme.

This includes both paid and volunteer placements that may be undertaken as an elective in a program, or as an alternative assessable item in a course, and any work experience required in order to complete a degree as defined under the HESA as work experience in industry (WEI) placement.

All placements bound within this definition will be covered either by an Affiliation Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding, or completion of FS23 form: Placement Details.

Student Pool

The group of students within a placement block for the purpose of allocating to available placements within the block.  Students may be added and removed from the Student Pool via the Eligibility Process, or manually by an administrator.

Student who will not meet eligibility criteria (enrolment in classes attached to the placement block, or active program status) can be retained in the placement block to ensure they’re not removed.  Alternatively the placement block eligibility checking process can be disabled to prevent any changes to the student pool.

Student Preference Recording

The process where a student is able to submit preferences for Allocation to Placement Providers within the Placement Block. Students may only make preferences against preference offers recorded in the system and unallocated Placement Management Records.  Allowing preference recording is a configurable option of the placement block.

Student Preference Recording can be configured in both Manual and Automated Placement Blocks.  Student Preferences can be configured for Site, Focus or Region preferences, site exclusions, or special circumstances. 

In an Automated Allocation the failure to meet the Student’s preference will result in a failed allocation despite potential open places with other non-preferred Placement Providers. 

Student Report

A report provided by the Placement Provider, or Site Mentor, regarding the Student’s outcomes and progress toward curricular requirements.   

The Report may need to be received and deemed satisfactory (complete) before Payment Claims can be processed for the Placement Provider, or Site Mentor.

System Administrator

University staff having elevated permissions to perform high level configuration changes to the Student Placement System, maintenance of global data sources (e.g. Contact types, Organisation types), and security configuration. 

The System Administrator role will only be assigned to representatives of the System Owner.

University Supervisor

A person who has been employed by the University to be the point of contact for the learning outcomes for a student while on placement.

This person may be an existing academic staff member, or be drawn from industry and retained by the University. A University Supervisor must be on the University’s HR System.

Last modified: Wednesday, 18 December 2013, 2:21 PM