If the question you would like answered or the issue you are experiencing is not listed, please contact the appropriate representative from the support matrix.


What are Conditions / Condition Types?

There are two types of Conditions relevant to student placements:

  • Compulsory Conditions must be satisfied by students to be eligible for Placement, and evidence to satisfy the Condition will be processed by UniSA Placement staff. 
  • Additional Conditions are not considered ‘Compulsory’ by UniSA, and UniSA Placement staff will not be responsible for processing evidence to satisfy the Condition.

If the Additional Condition is configured for an Organisation or Site, the Organisation or Site may consider the Condition to be mandatory and will be responsible for processing the student’s evidence.

If the Additional Condition is configured for the Program or Course the placements are linked to, students are encouraged to satisfy the Condition, however the University is unable to enforce the Condition.


Where can I view the Conditions attached to a Placement Block?

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can view the Conditions attached to a Placement Block in the Placement Block: Conditions page.

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can also view all students within a Placement Block’s Student Pool that have outstanding Conditions in the Placement Block: Alerts page:

 Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Block

Refer to the following process instructions:


Where can I view a student’s Conditions? (i.e. Conditions to be satisfied, and whether the Condition has been satisfied)

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can view a student’s Conditions detail in the Student Block: Conditions page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Student Block

The Student Block: Conditions page also provides a link to the Student Conditions Recording page where the student’s evidence to satisfy a Condition is entered.

Refer to the following process instructions:


Where can I record Condition Evidence for a student?

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can enter details of a student’s evidence to satisfy a Condition in the Student Conditions Recording page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Student Conditions Recording

A link to the Student Conditions Recording page is also displayed in the Student Block: Conditions page.

Refer to the following process instructions:


Where do I configure Conditions for students to satisfy to be eligible for placement?

There are three places Conditions can be configured to apply to placements:

Program/Course Conditions apply to all placements linked to the relevant Program or Course and are configured by Placement Administrators:

Student Placements  >  Placement Setup  >  Course Placement Setup

Student Placements  >  Placement Setup  >  Program Placement Setup

Placement Officers should send an email request to their Placement Administrator to request a Condition be added to or deleted from a Course or Program.

Placement Administrators should refer to the following process instructions:

Organisation Conditions apply to all placements that take place within an Organisation (all placements at every Site within the Organisation). Organisations are shared between users of the system so it has become standard practice not to enter conditions at this level. Conditions entered at this level will apply to all students regardless of their area of study which may not be practical. Conditions should be entered at Site level instead as Sites are specific to areas within the University.

Organisation Conditions are configured by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers:

Student Placements  >  Placement Providers  >  Organisations

Refer to the following process instructions:

Site Conditions apply to all placements that take place at the Site.

Site Conditions are configured by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers:

Student Placements  >  Placement Providers  >  Sites

Refer to the following process instructions:


What happens when the same Condition is repeated at Program or Course and/or Organisation and/or Site level?

Students must satisfy all Conditions imposed at Program/Course level, Organisation and Site.  Where a Condition is repeated across the spectrum (eg. the same Condition is recorded for a Program and Organisation or Site), the student must ensure they satisfy all aspects of currency requirements from all sources (if applicable).

For example, the ‘Criminal History Screen’ Condition is configured for a placement at Course, Organisation and Site level as follows:

       Course:             12 Months Currency Requirement
       Organisation:   18 Months Currency Requirement
       Site:                    6 Months Currency Requirement

In the example above, the student would need to provide evidence of a Criminal History Screen issued no more than 6 months ago.  By satisfying the 6 month Currency Requirement at Site level, the student satisfies the Course’s 12 month Currency Requirement and the Organisation’s 18 month Currency Requirement for the Condition.


How do I create a new Condition value / update an existing Condition value?

Condition values are configured by Placement Administrators:

Student Placements  >  Placement Setup  >  Condition Values

Placement Administrators have access to create, update and correct Condition values (eg. create a new Condition such as ‘Criminal History Screen’, or update whether currency is required for a Condition).

Placement Officers should send an email request to their Placement Administrator to request a Condition value be created, updated or corrected.

Placement Administrators should refer to the following process instructions:


What is Currency Required / How do I update a Condition’s Currency Requirement / How do I enter the length of the Currency Requirement (Currency)?

Currency Required indicates there is an age restriction to be applied to the evidence students supply to satisfy the Condition.

‘Currency Required’ is flagged by Placement Administrators when creating or updating a Placement Condition value.

Placement Officers should send an email request to their Placement Administrator to request a new Condition be created with Currency Required, or an existing Condition value’s Currency Requirement be updated or corrected.

Currency is the age restriction for the Condition evidence (eg. evidence must have been issued within past 12 months).

Currency for Program and Course Conditions is recorded by Placement Administrators whenconfiguring a Condition for the Program or Course.

Currency for Organisation and Site Conditions is recorded by Placement Administrators/Officers whenconfiguring a Condition for an Organisation or Site.

Last modified: Thursday, 19 December 2013, 10:51 AM