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What is PMR Confirmation?  What does the PMR Confirmation process do?

PMR Confirmation is a process that must be run after PMRs have been allocated and the allocations have been approved.

The PMR Confirmation process checks all PMRs in the relevant Placement Block(s) and verifies students have satisfied all Pre-Approval ‘Compulsory’ conditions, and that the PMR allocations have been approved (PMR Allocation Approved field displays ‘Yes’).

If the required conditions have been met and the PMR allocation approved, the PMR Confirmation process will update the PMR Status of the relevant PMR(s) to ‘Confirmed’.  The placement will then be displayed to the student in myPlacement (subject to the notification rules configured for the Placement Block).


How do I run the PMR Confirmation process?

There are two methods available to run the PMR Confirmation process:

Automated PMR Confirmation:  Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can flag the PMR Confirmation process to run automatically each evening for a Placement Block's PMRs by updating the Placement Block Status to 'Ready for Approval':

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Block

If the PMR allocations are to be approved by the Allocation Approval person (or their delegate) via Placement Management, the Placement Block Status is updated to 'Ready for Approval' to send the automated approval notification to the allocation approver and to display the allocations to that person in Placement Management.  The PMR Confirmation process will run each evening that the Placement Block Status is 'Ready for Approval'.

If the PMRs have been manually allocated and approved in Medici by a Placement Administrator or Placement Officer, the Placement Block Status can still be updated to 'Ready for Approval' to flag the PMR Confirmation process to run automatically for the Placement Block's PMRs.  This means you can still run the automated process if PMRs have been manually allocated and approved (the PMRs will not be approved by the approval person via Placement Management), though in this scenario it is suggested the Placement Administrator/Officer be configured as the Approval Delegate in the Placement Block (this prevents the approval person receiving an automated notification to approve the PMRs when the Placement Block  Status is updated to 'Ready for Approval' - the notification will instead be sent to the Placement Administrator/Officer).

Refer to the following process instructions:

Manual PMR Confirmation:  Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can manually trigger the PMR Confirmation process to run immediately for any Placement Block that has a Status of ‘Active’ or 'Ready for Approval':

Student Placements  >  Placement Processes  >  PMR Confirmation Process

The PMR Confirmation process should only be run manually when absolutely necessary (eg. to immediately display the placement to the student(s) in myPlacement, subject to the configured Notification rules for the Placement Block).

If the PMR Confirmation process is to be run manually, it should only be run for a specific Placement Block(s).  Do not manually run the PMR Confirmation process for all Placement Blocks that are 'Ready for Approval'.

Refer to the following process instructions:

Last modified: Thursday, 19 December 2013, 11:23 AM