If the question you would like answered or the issue you are experiencing is not listed, please contact the appropriate representative from the Support Matrix.

What are Placement Requests?

Placement Requests are the placement parameters required by the University, and facilitate the creation of Requests for Placements to be sent to placement providers.

The following information is recorded in Placement Requests:

  • UniSA staff member that Placement Offers are to be returned to (if applicable – when entered, this is included in the Request Output file sent to Providers/Sites)
  • Date that Placement Offers are to be returned by (if applicable)
  • Site Contact for Offer-related enquiries (if applicable)
  • Placement Agreement(s) (if applicable)
  • Site Focus/Foci (at least one Focus must be selected)
  • Placement Initiative (if applicable)
  • Number of Placements being requested

Placement Requests can be for one or multiple Site(s).

Medici will automatically include the Placement Block Name, Start and End Dates, and Duration (days/hours) of each Placement in the Request for Placement spreadsheet.  Placement providers are able to nominate a Site Mentor(s) when responding to the Placement Request, and are also able to specify the Start and End Dates for each Placement they offer.


Do I need to enter to Placement Request details in Medici?

It depends on how the placement positions are to be sought from placement providers:

Student Arranged Placements:  If students are responsible for contacting Sites to arrange their placement position, there is no need to enter Placement Request details in Medici.

When students provide details of the placement they have arranged (Site, Start/End Dates, and Focus), the relevant PMR (Placement Management Record) can be created.

University Arranged Placements:  If University staff are responsible for contacting Sites to arrange placement positions for students, the Placement Request details should be entered in Medici so that the Request for Placements spreadsheet(s) can be downloaded and forwarded to the placement provider(s).

Placement providers can enter details of the placement(s) they can offer in the Request for Placements spreadsheet and then return the spreadsheet to UniSA, and these Placement Offer details can then be loaded in bulk from the spreadsheet via the Placement Offer Import process.


How do I enter or update Placement Requests?

Placement Requests are specific to a Placement Block and therefore cannot be entered until the Placement Block has been created.

Once the Placement Block has been created, Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can enter and update Placement Request details in the Placement Requests & Offers page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Requests & Offers

Refer to the following process instructions:


How do I download the Request for Placements spreadsheet to send to placement providers?

The Request for Placements spreadsheet can only be downloaded after Placement Request information has been entered for the Placement Block.

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can download the Request for Placements spreadsheet in the Placement Request Download page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Request Download

Refer to the following process instructions:


What are Placement Offers?

Placement Offers are the details of placements offered to the University by placement providers.

Placement Offers include details such as the Site where the placement(s) will take place, number of places offered, Placement Start and End Dates, Site Mentor details, etc.


Do I need to enter/upload Placement Offers?

It depends on several factors, including the number of Placement Management Records (PMRs) to be created, and how details of placements are received (from students, from providers via the Request for Offers spreadsheet, or from providers via another method).

These factors will influence whether you choose to create PMRs via the Create PMRs process (in which case Placement Offers must be entered or uploaded into Medici); or choose to create the required PMRs manually (in which case there is no need to enter or upload Placement Offers into Medici).

Offers Received from Providers via Placement Request Spreadsheet:  If the Request for Offers spreadsheet has been completed and returned by the placement provider(s), the Placement Offer details should be uploaded into Medici via the Placement Offer Import process.

Once the Placement Offer details have been imported into Medici, the Create PMRs process can be run to create a PMR for each place offered.

Refer to the Placement Offer Import FAQ for further details.

Offers Received from Providers via Other Method / Received from Students:  If the Placement Offer details have been received from the placement provider(s) via another method (eg. email or phone communication, etc), or the details have been received from students, whether the Placement Offer details are entered into Medici depends on the number of placement offers received, and whether many of the placement details are the same.

If there are only a small number of offers, and the offer details differ (different Site, different dates or different Focus), Placement Administrators and Placement Officers may choose to create the required PMRs manually; therefore there is no need to enter the Placement Offers into Medici.

If there are a large number of offers, or many of the offers are the same (eg. same Site, dates and Focus), Placement Administrators and Placement Officers may choose to enter the Placement Offers into Medici, allowing the required PMRs to be created via the Create PMRs process.


How do I enter/upload Placement Offers?

There are two methods available to record Placement Offer information received from placement providers or students:

Manually Enter Offers:  Placement Administrators and Placements Officers can manually enter and update Placement Offer data in the Placement Requests & Offers page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Requests & Offers

Placement Offer details must be entered exactly as per the response received from the placement provider (ie. enter the exact Focus, Initiative and Offered Places data received from the provider, irrespective of whether this matches Placement Request data that may have been entered).

Refer to the following process instructions:

Placement Offer Import:  If the offer details have been entered in the Request for Placementspreadsheet by the placement provider(s), Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can upload the Placement Offer data via the Placement Offer Import page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Processes  >  Placement Offer Import

Refer to the following process instructions:


I ran the Placement Offer Import process and the Process Output report indicates one or more Placement Offer records failed to load.  How do I correct and load these records?

There are two methods available to correct and load Placement Offer records that fail to load during the Placement Offer Import process:

  • Correct the error in Placement Offer Suspense (if possible), and post the record from Suspense

  • Manually enter the Placement Offer details, and purge the error records from Placement Offer Suspense

Some Placement Offer Import errors can be corrected directly in Placement Offer Suspense and the corrected record then posted from Placement Offer Suspense.

Other errors will require specific configuration to occur to enable the error to be corrected, and only after that configuration has occurred can the record be either loaded from Suspense or entered manually.


Too Many Foci Submitted:

  • If the Placement Block is configured correctly and the provider has listed too many foci in the Request for Placement spreadsheet, the invalid additional Focus/Foci can be deleted from the record in Placement Offer Suspense and the record then posted from Suspense.

  • If the Placement Block is not configured correctly, the Placement Block Multiple Focus configuration will need to be updated to allow the details to be corrected and posted from Suspense (or to allow the record to be manually entered and the error record purged).

Invalid Mentor for Site/Org:

  • If the nominated Site Mentor already exists in Medici and is linked to the Site or Organisation, but the provider has mis-spelt the Site Mentor's name in the Request for Placements spreadsheet, the correct Contact can be selected in the record in Placement Offer Suspense and the record then posted from Suspense.

  • If the nominated Site Mentor already exists in Medici but is not linked to the Site or Organisation, the Contact will need to be added to the Site/Organisation (Effective Date must be prior to the current date).  Once the Contact is linked to the Site/Organisation the record can be posted from Suspense.
    Alternately, the Contact can be deleted from the record in Placement Offer Suspense and the record then posted from Suspense without the Contact, and the Contact can then be manually added to the Placement Offer record once they have been linked to the Site/Organisation.

  • If the nominated Site Mentor does not exist in Medici, a Contact record for the Site Mentor must be created and linked to the Site or Organisation (Effective Date must be prior to the current date).  Once the Contact is created and linked to the Site/Organisation the record can be posted from Suspense.
    Alternately, the Contact can be deleted from the record in Placement Offer Suspense and the record then posted from Suspense without the Contact, and the Contact can then be manually added to the Placement Offer record once they have been created and linked to the Site/Organisation.

Invalid Focus for Site:

  • If an incorrect/invalid Site Focus has been mistakenly nominated, the correct Site Focus can be selected in the record in Placement Offer Suspense and the record then posted from Suspense (assuming the correct Site Focus is already configured for the Site - if not see below).

  • If the nominated Site Focus is correct but the Site Focus is not currently configured for the Site, the Site Focus must be configured for the Site (Effective Date must be prior to the current date).  Once the Site Focus has been configured for the Site the record can be posted from Suspense.

Last modified: Thursday, 19 December 2013, 11:19 AM