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What is a Student Block?

Student Block is a Medici record that displays a summary of preference and condition details recorded for students within the Placement Block's Student Pool.

The Student Block page displays a summary of preferences submitted by students (if applicable); allows preferences to be entered directly into Medici on behalf of a student (if applicable); and displays details of student conditions (condition, condition type, currency requirement, whether satisfied, etc).

The Student Block page also provides a link to the page used to enter student evidence to satisfy a condition (Conditions Recording Page).


How do I create a Student Block?

The Student Block record is automatically created in Medici when the Placement Block's Student Pool is created.

Creating a Student Pool for a Placement Block automatically creates a Student Block record for the Placement Block.


What data can I view in a Student Block?

The following information can be viewed in a Student Block:

  • summary of preferences submitted by students (if applicable)

  • details of student conditions (condition, condition type, currency requirement, whether satisfied, etc).

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can access the Student Block page to view preference and condition information:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Student Block

Refer to the following process instructions:


What data can I enter in a Student Block?

The following information can be entered in a Student Block:

  • student preferences (preferred Site and/or Region and/or Focus, Site Exclusions, and Special Circumstances)

  • Condition Comments

Where the Placement Block configuration allows students to submit Preferences, exclude Sites, and/or submit Special Circumstances, the Student Block page displays tabs that may be used to manually record student submissions/selections directly into Medici, and/or enter Condition Comments:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Student Block

The majority of students will submit their preferences via myPlacement, and these selections / submissions will then be automatically loaded into Medici and displayed in the Student Block.

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can manually record preferences directly into Medici for students that are unwilling or unable to submit their preferences via myPlacement (eg. ‘Non-E’ students); and can also enter Condition Comments in the Student Block page.

Refer to the following process instructions:

Last modified: Thursday, 19 December 2013, 10:50 AM