If the question you would like answered or the issue you are experiencing is not listed, please contact the appropriate representative from the Support Matrix.


What is a Placement Block?  What does it do?  What can I configure in a Placement Block?

A Placement Block is a configured item within Student Placements in Medici and represents a period of time within which a student or group of students will undertake placement in a given Course or Program.

It is within a Placement Block that most placement configuration occurs, including:

  • Program or Course (and Class/es) the placements are linked to
  • information displayed to students in myPlacement (Placement Block Name and Summary, and the date that the placement information will be displayed to students)
  • Placement Block Type (determines where details of the placement will be displayed on student Australian Graduation Statement in the future)
  • Site Repeats (whether students will be able to be allocated to a Site they have previously been allocated to)
  • Preferences (whether students will be able to submit preferences, dates within which students can submit preferences, types of preferences students can submit (Site, Region, Focus, Special Circumstance, or Site Exclusions), and the maximum number of preferences students can submit)
  • Multiple Focus (default is one Focus, however a Placement Block can be configured for up to 4 Foci)
  • Pre-Allocation Condition Check (whether a Pre-Allocation Condition Check will run, and the Condition(s) to be checked prior to allocation)
  • Allocation Approval Delegate (whether placement allocations will be approved by the designated 'Allocation Approver' or a delegate)
  • Auto-Allocation (whether Auto-Allocation can be run to automatically allocate students to Placement Management Records, and if so, the method used to allocate students)
  • Auto-Notification (whether notifications will be sent automatically to students and/or sites, and if so, how long after the placements are confirmed the automated notifications will be sent)
  • Pre-Offer Preference values (list of values students can select from when submitting Pre-Offer Preferences)
  • Payment Claims (whether payment claims can be entered for Placement Management Records in the Placement Block, and if so, whether a report from the Site is required prior to authorising payment claims)
  • Pre-Preference Condition Check (whether a Pre-Preference Condition check will run, and if so, the 'Compulsory' Condition(s) to be checked prior to students undertaking preference recording)


The Program or Course for the Placement Block is not available to be selected?  Why?

If a Program or Course cannot be selected in the Placement Block, the myPlacement Enquiry Details have not been configured for the Program or Course by a Placement Administrator.

A Placement Block can only be linked to a Program or Course that has had 'myPlacement Enquiry Details' configured for the Program or Course.  This ensures placement information is not displayed to students in myPlacement without details of who the student should contact with their enquiries relating to the placement.

Placement Administrators enter and update myPlacement Enquiry Details in the Course Placement Setup and Program Placement Setup pages:

 Student Placements  >  Placement Setup  >  Course Placement Setup

Student Placements  >  Placement Setup  >  Program Placement Setup

Placement Officers should send an email request to their Placement Administrator to request the myPlacement Enquiry Details be entered for the Program or Course.

Placement Administrators should refer to the following process instructions:


Can a Placement Block be created prior to all information being finalised, and the Placement Block then be updated to configure the additional information once it is known?

A new Placement Block can be created prior to obtaining all the required information (provided the minimum required information is known), and the remainder of the Placement Block data can then be entered over time as the information is made available; however all information that will be displayed to students in myPlacement must be entered and finalised prior to the myPlacement View Date for the Placement Block.

This means a Placement Block ‘shell’ can be created by entering the minimum required information, and further information can be added at later dates as that information is received (subject to the myPlacement View Date); or if all required information is available the complete Placement Block can be created in a single process.

The Placement Block page is not effective dated, therefore there is no need to insert a new effective dated row to update a Placement Block.  All updates to a Placement Block will be saved as at the current date.


Do I need to create a Placement Block to administer placements in Medici?

Yes.  A Placement Block must be created and the relevant placement parameters configured in order to administer placements in Medici.


How do I create a Placement Block?

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can create a new Placement Block in the Placement Block page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Block

Refer to the following process instructions:


What is the minimum information required to create a Placement Block?

The following information is 'mandatory' data that must be entered to create a new Placement Block:

  • Placement Block Name
  • Placement Block Start Date
  • Placement Block End Date
  • Placement Block Summary (meaningful description of the placement purpose to be displayed to students in myPlacement)
  • Placement Block Type (determines where the placement is displayed on student Australian Graduation Statements in the future)
  •  myPlacement View Date (date the placement information will be displayed to students in myPlacement)
  • Linked Program/Course (the Academic Program or Course the Placements are linked to)

When creating a Placement Block that is linked to a Course, it is possible to select the Course and save the new Placement Block without having selected the relevant Class(es), however the Class(es) the placements relate to will need to be selected prior to Eligibility Checking.


How do I update a Placement Block (I cannot see where to insert a new effective dated row)?

Placement Block records are not effective dated, therefore there is no need to insert a new effective dated row to update an existing Placement Block.

Each update to a Placement Block is saved as at the current date, and a Placement Block can be updated many times on the same day.

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can update a Placement Block:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Block


The Placement Block is not allowing me to edit data in a specific field(s).  Why?

It is likely that the myPlacement View Date for the Placement Block has elapsed.

A Placement Block's myPlacement View Date is a critical date that governs access to update specific data within the Placement Block.  All information that will be displayed to students in myPlacement must be entered and finalised prior to the myPlacement View Date for the Placement Block.

On the myPlacement View Date many fields in the Placement Block will 'lock-down' and will no longer be able to be updated (we should not be changing information once it has been displayed to students).

Some information/configuration in a Placement Block can be updated after the myPlacement View Date as this data will not alter what has been previously displayed to students (eg. Auto-Allocation details, Auto-Notification details, participation in Payment Claims, etc).


Can I update the Course or Program linked to the Placement Block to select a different Course/Program?

No.  Once a Placement Block has been linked to a Program or Course and has been saved, it is not possible to change the Program or Course linked to the Placement Block.

If the Placement Block’s Program or Course is incorrect, update the Placement Block Status to ‘Inactive’, and create a new Placement Block that is linked to the correct Program or Course.

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can update a Placement Block Status, and create a new Placement Block, in the Placement Block page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Block

Refer to the following process instructions:


Can I update the Classes linked to a Course-based Placement Block?

Yes.  For Course-based Placement Blocks, the Class(es) linked to the Placement Block can be added or deleted by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers in the Classes (Enrolled Component Only) section of the Placement Block page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Block

Refer to the following process instructions:


The Allocation Approval person displayed in the Placement Block for the Course or Program does not appear to be the right person?  Where can I investigate this further?

The name displayed in the Placement Block's Allocation Approval Required By field is the Primary Name of the Allocation Approval person (which may differ to their Preferred Name).

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can view the full name of a staff member in the Communication Summary page:

Campus Community  >  Communications  >  Person Communications  >  Communication Summary

In the ID field of the Communication Summary: Find an Existing Value page, type the HRM number of the Allocation Approval person as displayed in the Allocation Approval Required By field in the Placement Block, and then select the Search button (or press Enter).  The staff member's full name will then be displayed in the Search Results section.

Last modified: Thursday, 19 December 2013, 10:18 AM