If the question you would like answered or the issue you are experiencing is not listed, please contact the appropriate representative from the support matrix.


What are Site Exclusions?

Students may present with requests to exclude a specific Site(s) from the list of Sites the student can be allocated to for placement (eg. a 1st year teaching student may not want to be placed at the high school they recently graduated from).

Where applicable, Site Exclusions are configured within Placement Blocks, allowing students to select a specific Site(s) in myPlacement for consideration to be excluded.


How do I configure Site Exclusions for placements?

Site Exclusions are configured for placements in the Placement Block by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Block

Refer to the following process instructions:


ow do students submit Site Exclusions for consideration?

If a Placement Block is configured to allow Site Exclusions to be submitted, the list of available Sites will be displayed to students in myPlacement from the Submit Preference Open Date entered in the Placement Block

Students will then submit their Site Exclusions (if applicable) via myPlacement, and the student submissions in myPlacement will be automatically loaded into Medici.

Students will no longer be able to submit Site Exclusions (or other preferences) via myPlacement once the Placement Block Submit Preference Close Date has elapsed.


Can I enter a student’s Site Exclusions directly into Medici?

Yes.  If a student is unable to submit their Site Exclusions via myPlacement (eg. ‘Non-E’ students), the student’s Site Exclusions (and other preferences) can be entered directly into the Student Block by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Student Block

Refer to the following process instructions:


Where can I view the Site Exclusions submitted by a student?

Site Exclusions submitted by a student are displayed to Placement Administrators and Placement Officers in the Student Block page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Student Block

A summary of the Site Exclusions (and other Preferences) submitted by a student is displayed in the Student Block: Preferences Summary page.

Refer to the following process instructions:

Site Exclusions can be entered directly into Medici via a student’s Student Block: Site Exclusions page.

Last modified: Thursday, 19 December 2013, 1:29 PM