FAQs - General

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What configuration is required to set up and administer placements in Student Placements in Medici?

To support the placement process there is specific data that must be configured and/or entered in Medici:

Placement Configuration Values:  Placement Administrators have access to create, update and correct the following Student Placement Configuration values:

These Placement configuration values are used throughout the placement process in Medici.

All configuration values identified as being required as at June 2010 have been created within Medici, and it will be rare that a new configuration value will need to be created or an existing configuration value need to be updated.

Placement Officers should send an email request to their Placement Administrator to request one of the above Placement Configuration values be created, updated or corrected.

Placement Administrators should refer to the following FAQ pages for further details:

Program/Course Placement Information:  Placement Administrators must record default placement information that is applied to all Placements for the Program or Course.

If default placement information has already been configured for a Program or Course, a Placement Block record can be created to commence the placement process.

A Placement Block record cannot be created if default placement information has not been configured for the Program or Course (specifically the myPlacement Enquiry Details).

Program and Course Placement Information is configured by Placement Administrators via the Placement Setup menu:

Student Placements  >  Placement Setup  >  Course Placement Setup

Student Placements  >  Placement Setup  >  Program Placement Setup

Placement Officers should send an email request to their Placement Administrator to request the default configuration for a Program or Course be entered or updated.

Placement Administrators should refer to the following process instructions:

Placement Provider Records:  Placement Administrators and Placement Officers have access to create and update the following Placement Provider records:

  • Organisations

  • Locations

  • Sites

  • Contacts

  • Placement Groups

  • Placement Agreements

  • Placement Initiatives

Organisation, Location, Site, and Contact records are required to create Placement Management Records and are also used in other placement processes (eg. Requests & Offers), and Groups, Placement Agreements, and Placement Initiatives can be used to support various placement processes as required.

Placement Provider records have been created within Medici.  A new provider record should only be created after performing a thorough search of the existing records to ensure the required record does not already exist in Medici.

Only create a new provider record if you fail to find an existing record.  If there is an existing record, update the existing record (if required) and use the existing record (rather than create a duplicate record).

Refer to the Placement Providers Menu FAQs for further details.


Where do I begin?  What do I do to set up and administer placements in Student Placements in Medici?

To administer student placements within Medici, assuming all required configuration and provider records exist, you will need to create the following records as a minimum:

Although these three records are the minimum that is required to administer basic placements in Medici, there are many other placement records and processes in Medici that can or must be used to administer placements.

There is specific data that must be configured and/or entered into Medici to enable these records to be created:

  • A Placement Block cannot be created if default Placement Information has not been configured for the relevant Program or Course
  • A Student Pool cannot be created until the relevant Placement Block has been created
  • A PMR cannot be created until the relevant Placement Block has been created, and will also require specific provider records to exist within Medici (eg. Organisation(s), Location(s), Site(s), Placement Agreement, etc).

Refer to the Placement Configuration FAQs for further details.

Placement Block:  A Placement Block is a configured item within Student Placements in Medici and represents a period of time within which a student or group of students will undertake placement in a given Course or Program.  It is within the Placement Block that most placement configuration occurs.

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can create a new Placement Block in the Placement Block page:

Student Placements  >  Placement Administration  >  Placement Block

Refer to the Placement Block FAQs for further details.

Student Pool:  Once the Placement Block has been created, Placement Administrators and Placement Officers can create the Student Pool for the Placement Block.

A Student Pool is the list of students to be allocated to a placement within a Placement Block.  Only students listed in a Placement Block's Student Pool can be allocated to a Placement Management Record (PMR) within the Placement Block.

There are two methods available to load student records into a Student Pool:

  • Students can be manually added to the Student Pool
  • Students can be automatically loaded in bulk from an input file

Refer to the Student Pool FAQs for further details.

Placement Management Record (PMR):  A Placement Management Record (PMR) is where all information applicable to a student placement is displayed and/or recorded.

Each PMR will have one Site and can have one student allocated to placement at that Site, and will include additional details such as Site Information, Placement Start and End Dates, Focus, Site Mentor, Insurance Agreements, Allocation details, etc.  PMRs also support the provision of essential Site Orientation information to the student and reinforces any additional Site Conditions that the student will need to satisfy on the first day of their Placement. 

There are two methods available to create a Placement Management Record (PMR) in Medici:

  • PMRs can be created manually
  • PMRs can be created in bulk from Placement Offer records

Refer to the Placement Management Records FAQs for further details.


What functions can I perform in each Student Placements menu option?

There are 4 key components to Student Placements in Medici:

Placement Setup:  The Placement Setup menu can only be accessed by Placement Administrators and provides access to create and update Placement configuration values (eg. Condition values, Site Focus values, Special Consideration values, etc); and also provides access to configure or update default placement information for a Program or Course.

Refer to the Placement Setup Menu FAQs for further details.

Placement Providers:  The Placement Providers menu can be accessed by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers and provides access to create and update providers records (eg. Organisations, Locations, Sites, Contacts, Placement Agreements, Initiatives, etc).

Refer to the Placement Providers Menu FAQs for further details.

Placement Administration:  The Placement Administration menu can be accessed by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers and provides access to manually create and update various records that are used in the placement process (eg. Placement Blocks, Student Pools, PMRs, etc).

Refer to the Placement Administration Menu FAQs for further details.

Placement Processes:  The Placement Processes menu can be accessed by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers and provides access to run various placement processes that either load data in bulk (eg. Placement Offers) or create records in bulk (eg. PMRs), and also provides access to manually run various processes that are usually run automatically overnight (eg. Eligibility Checking process, Confirmation process).

Refer to the Placement Processes Menu FAQs for further details.


What processes, pages and records are in the Placement Setup menu, and when should each of these processes, pages or records be used?

The Placement Setup menu can only be accessed by Placement Administrators and provides access to the following pages:

  • Contact Types - used to create, update or correct Contact Type values
  • Condition Values - used to create, update or correct Condition values
  • Region Values - used to create, update or correct Region values
  • Organisation Types - used to create, update or correct Organisation Type values
  • Site Types - used to create, update or correct Site Type values
  • Site Focus Values - used to create, update or correct Site Focus values
  • Special Circumstance Values - used to create, update or correct Special Circumstance values
  • Course Placement Setup - used to enter or update the default placement information that is applied to all placements for a Course
  • Program Placement Setup - used to enter or update the default placement information that is applied to all placements for a Program

Placement Administrators will use these pages on rare occasions that a Placement Configuration value does not exist or needs to be updated; to enter default Placement Information for a Course or Program not previously configured; or to update the default Placement Information configured for a Course or Program.

A Placement Block record cannot be created if default placement information has not been configured for the Program or Course (specifically the myPlacement Enquiry Details).

Refer to the Placement Configuration FAQs for further details.


What processes, pages and records are in the Placement Providers menu, and when should each of these processes, pages or records be used?

The Placement Providers menu can be accessed by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers and provides access to the following pages:

  • Organisations - used to create or update an Organisation record, and view Organisation details
  • Locations - used to add or update an Organisation's Locations
  • Sites - used to create or update a Site record, and view Site details
  • Contacts - used to create or update a Contact record
  • Groups - used to create or update a Placement Group
  • Placement Agreements - used to create or update Placement Agreements
  • Placement Initiatives - used to create or update Placement Initiatives

Placement Administrators and Placement Officers will use these pages to add or update Placement Provider records as required.  If the required provider records already exist in Medic and are accurate, there is no need to access the Placement Provider menu.  If the required provider records do not exist in Medici, or an existing provider record is out of date, add or update the relevant provider record(s).

Organisation, Location, Site, and Contact records are required to create Placement Management Records and are also used in other placement processes that are optional (eg. Requests & Offers).

Groups, Placement Agreements, and Placement Initiatives can be used to support various placement processes as required, but will not be applicable to every placement.


What processes, pages and records are in the Placement Administration menu, and when should each of these processes, pages or records be used?

The Placement Administration menu can be accessed by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers and provides access to the following pages:

  • Placement Block - used to create a new Placement Block and configure most placement parameters (eg. Preferences, Site Exclusions, Auto-Allocation, Auto-Notification, etc), and view Alerts for the Placement Block (eg. students yet to satisfy conditions, PMRs not covered by insurance, rejected allocations, etc)
  • Placement Requests and Offers - used to manually enter Placement Requests and/or Placement Offers (if applicable)
  • Student Block - used to view a summary of a student's preferences, manually record preferences for a student, and view condition details for a student (if applicable)
  • Student Conditions Recording - used to enter or disregard student evidence to satisfy conditions (if applicable)
  • Placement Management Records - used to manually create and update PMRs, including manual allocation of students, manual approval of allocations, details of FS23 or Placement Agreements, receipt of Student and/or Site Reports, etc
  • PMR Payment Claims - used to enter details of Payment Claims for a PMR (if applicable)
  • Student Pool - used to manually add or delete students from a Placement Block's Student Pool, retain students, and turn Eligibility Checking 'On' or 'Off' for the Student Pool (if applicable)
  • Placement Block Inquiry - used to view high level details of a Placement Block or several Placement Block's that meet the entered search criteria
  • PMR Inquiry - used to view details of a PMR or several PMRs that meet the entered search criteria
  • Placement Request Download - used to download a spreadsheet of Placement Request information that has been entered in the Placement Requests & Offers page (if applicable)
  • Provider Notification Inquiry - used to view details of student allocation notifications sent to a placement providers


What processes, pages and records are in the Placement Processes menu, and when should each of these processes, pages or records be used?

The Placement Processes menu can be accessed by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers and provides access to the following pages:

  • Placement Offer Import - used to load Placement Offer data in bulk from an input file (if applicable)
  • Placement Offer Suspense - used to investigate, resolve and post Offer data that failed to load during the Placement Offer Import process (if applicable)
  • Offer Suspense Purge - used to purge (remove) Placement Offer data error records that could not be corrected and posted from Placement Offer Suspense (if applicable)
  • Placement Allocation Process - used to allocate students in a Placement Block's Student Pool that have submitted preferences to the Placement Block's PMRs (if applicable)
  • Placement Allocation (No Pref) - used to allocate students in a Placement Block's Student Pool that have not submitted preferences to the Placement Block's PMRs. This process will also allocate students who have submitted preferences (if applicable)
  • Student Pool File Load - used to load students to a Student Pool in bulk from an input file (if applicable)
  • Create PMRs Process - used to create PMRs for a Placement Block based on the Placement Offer information entered for the Placement Block (if required)
  • Eligibility Check - used to manually trigger the Eligibility Checking process (if required - generally this process should be left to run automatically overnight on Student Pools that are flagged to have eligibility checked)
  • PMR Confirmation - used to manually trigger the PMR Confirmation process (if required - generally this process should be left to run automatically overnight on PMRs that have been allocated and the allocation approved
Last modified: Thursday, 19 December 2013, 10:17 AM