The following placement processes, functions and records can or must be used to administer student placements within Medici.

For further details about a placement process, function or record select the relevant heading to access the related FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).

Placement Configuration:

As required (create or update if required values/records do not exist or are out of date).

Placement Configuration values are used throughout the placement process; default placement information for a Course/Program must be entered prior to creating a Placement Block; and placement provider records must exist and be up to date to enable various placement records to be created or placement processes to be run.

Placement Block:

Mandatory (must be created).

Represents a period of time within which students will undertake placement in a given Course or Program.

It is within the Placement Block that most placement configuration occurs, including Program/Course (and Class/es), Placement Block Name and Summary displayed to students in myPlacement and date placement information will be displayed, Placement Block Type, Site Repeat availability, Preference availability and options, Multiple Focus availability, Pre-Preference / Pre-Allocation Condition Checks, Allocation Approval Delegate, Auto-Allocation, Auto-Notification, Pre-Offer Preference values, Participation in Payment Claims and Report Requirement.

Student Pool:

Mandatory (must be created).

List of students to be allocated to a placement within a Placement Block.

Can be created manually via the Student Pool (individually add each student) or can be created by uploading students in bulk from a file (Student Pool File Load process).

Student Pool File Load:


May be used to upload a list of students (eg. Course/Class list) from a file into a Placement Block’s Student Pool (the alternative is to manually add each student to the Student Pool).

Eligibility Checking Process:


May be used to automatically update a Student Pool based on Program/Course Status (automatically add students that have enrolled / delete students that have withdrawn after the Student Pool was created).

Can be turned ‘on’ in the Student Pool and allowed to run automatically each night (each night provided Eligibility Checking remains ‘on’ for the Student Pool), or can be manually triggered to run immediately for a Placement Block (only when required, and Eligibility Checking must still be turned ‘on’ for the Student Pool).

May also be used to automatically dump students from a Placement Management Record if they have withdrawn from the course. This automatically makes the Placement Management Record available again for use by another student.

Retain Student:


May be used to flag students to be ‘retained’ in the Student Pool irrespective of their Program or Course Status (Eligibility Checking process will not remove ‘retained’ students from a Student Pool irrespective of the student’s Program/Course Status).

Student Block:

Mandatory (automatically created by Medici when a Student Pool is created for a Placement Block).

Displays a summary of preferences submitted by students via myPlacement (if applicable); allows preferences to be entered directly into Medici on behalf of a student (if applicable); displays details of student conditions (condition, condition type, currency requirement, whether satisfied, etc); and provides a link to the page used to enter student evidence to satisfy a condition.

Student Conditions Recording:

Optional* (mandatory process if there are conditions to be satisfied for students to be eligible for placement).

May be used to record student evidence to satisfy a condition (eg. condition, Issue Date, Date Received, etc).

Evidence must be recorded to satisfy any ‘Compulsory’ conditions, and may also be recorded to satisfy ‘Additional’ conditions.

All ‘Compulsory’ conditions will be checked during the Pre-Approval Condition Check.

A Placement Block can also be configured so that ‘Compulsory’ conditions are checked earlier in the placement process (Pre-Preference Condition Check or Pre-Allocation Condition Check); therefore condition evidence recording can occur at any stage of the placement process.

Student Preferences:

Optional* (mandatory if students will be permitted to submit placement preferences).

Preference options are configured in the Placement Block (for Post-Offer Preferences the preference selection values are also derived from the Placement Block’s PMRs and/or Placement Offers records).

Student preferences are either submitted by students via myPlacement or can be entered directly into Medici via the Student Block.

A Placement Block can only be configured to allow either Pre-Offer Preferences or Post-Offer Preferences (or No Preferences).  It is not possible to allow students to submit both Pre-Offer and Post-Offer Preferences within a Placement Block.

The Placement Block is used to configure Preferences Recording Available, Preference Timing (Pre-Offer or Post-Offer), Submit Preference Open and Close Dates, Type(s) of Preference(s) students can submit in priority order; Maximum Number of Preferences students can submit for each Preference Type; Site Exclusions Allowed; Special Circumstances Allowed; Special Circumstance Preference Values (if applicable); and Pre-Offer Preference values (Pre-Offer Preferences only).

Placement Requests:

Optional* (mandatory process if the University will be seeking placement positions by sending the Request for Placements spreadsheet to placement providers).

May be used to enter the placement parameters required by the University.

Placement Request Download:

Optional* (mandatory process if the Placement Offers will be uploaded in bulk via the Placement Offers Import process).

May be used to download pre-formatted Request for Placements spreadsheets to be sent to placement providers.

Placement Request data should be entered prior to downloading a Request for Placement spreadsheet.

Placement Offers:

Optional* (mandatory process if PMRs will be created automatically via the batch Create PMRs process).

May be used to record details of placements that have been offered to the University by placement providers.

Offers can be entered manually via the Placement Requests & Offers page or can be uploaded in bulk from a file (Placement Offer Import process).

If many placements are the same (same Site, Placement Agreement, Start/End Dates, and Focus), these Placement Offer details can be manually entered so the required PMRs can be created via the batch process.

For example, rather than manually creating 30 identical PMRs, enter the Site, Agreement ID, Start/End Dates, Focus, and Positions Offered (30) as Placement Offer details, and then run the Create PMRs process to automatically create the 30 PMRs that are required.

Placement Offer Import:


May be used to automatically upload Placement Offer details as entered by providers in the Request for Placements spreadsheet.

Prior to running this process, Placement Offer details must have been entered in the Request for Placements spreadsheet (by either the placement provider(s) or a Placement Administrator / Placement Officer).  Once the Placement Offers have been entered in the Request for Placements spreadsheet the Placement Offer data can be uploaded into Medici in bulk via the Placement Offer Import process.

Placement Offer Suspense:

Optional* (mandatory process if Placement Offers fail to upload during the Placement Offer Import process).

May be used to investigate, correct, and post (if applicable) Placement Offers that fail to upload during the Placement Offer Import process.

Offer Suspense Purge:

Optional* (mandatory process if one or more Placement Offers fail to upload during the Placement Offer Import process and these error records are not corrected/posted from Suspense).

May be used to ‘purge’ (delete) errors that are not resolved and posted from Placement Offer Suspense.

Placement Management Records (PMR):

Mandatory (must be created).

A Placement Management Record (PMR) is where all information applicable to a student placement is displayed and/or recorded.

Each PMR will have one Site and can have one student allocated to placement at that Site, and will include additional details such as Site Information, Placement Start and End Dates, Focus, Site Mentor, Insurance Agreements, Allocation details, etc.

PMRs also support the provision of essential Site Orientation information to the student and reinforces any additional Site Conditions that the student will need to satisfy on the first day of placement.

PMR’s can either be created manually (individually) or can be created in bulk from the Placement Offer details entered/uploaded for the Placement Block.

Create PMRs Process:


May be used to create PMRs based on the Placement Offer information entered for the Placement Block.

The process results in the creation of one PMR for each offered place as recorded on the Placement Requests & Offers page for the Placement Block.

Placement Offer data must be entered or uploaded for the Placement Block prior to running the Create PMRs Process.

Placement Allocation:

Mandatory (students must be allocated to a PMR).

The Student Pool and PMRs must be created for the Placement Block prior to allocating students (the Student Pool is the list of students to be allocated, and the PMRs are the placement positions the students can be allocated to).

Students may be manually allocated to PMRs (individually access each PMR and allocate a student), or can be automatically allocated to PMRs within the Placement Block via the Placement Allocation process.

Only one student can be allocated to a PMR.

A student can be manually allocated to more than one PMR within a Placement Block.

Placement Allocation Process:


May be used to automatically allocate students from the Student Pool to one of the Placement Block’s PMRs.

Auto-Allocation is configured in the Placement Block (Auto-Allocation Availability, and Auto-Allocation Method (eg. Random, First In).

Auto-Allocation is run via the Placement Allocation Process or the Placement Allocation Process (no Pref) and can only be run for Placement Blocks that are configured to allow Auto-Allocation.

If the Placement Block does not allow students to submit preferences, students will be randomly allocated to a PMR. Use the Placement Allocation Process (No Pref) option for allocating to students without preferences.

If the Placement Block allows students to submit preferences, students will be allocated to a PMR that best matches the preferences they have submitted (subject to the Auto-Allocation Method configured in the Placement Block). To only allocate to students who did submit preferences use the Placement Allocation Process option.

Once the automated Placement Allocation Process has been run, the Process Output report must be viewed to confirm all students have been allocated to a PMR.

If one or more students failed to be allocated to a PMR (eg. their preferences could not be matched, they excluded the only Site(s) that match their preferences, or Site Repeat rule prevents the student being placed at the Site that matches their preferences), view the error message(s) in the Process Output report and manually allocate the students to an appropriate PMR.

The Student Pool and PMRs must be created for the Placement Block prior to running the Placement Allocation process.

Placement Allocation Approval:

Mandatory (allocation of PMRs must be approved).

The allocation of students to PMRs can be approved by the Allocation Approval person (or their delegate) in Placement Management, or individual PMRs can be manually approved in Medici.

PMR allocations can be sent for approval to the Allocation Approval person (or their delegate) by updating the Placement Block Status to ‘Ready for Approval’.  This sends an email notification to the Allocation Approval person (or their delegate) to advise that PMRs have been allocated and are ready for approval, and allows the Allocation Approval person (or their delegate) to view and approve or reject the PMR allocations in Placement Management.  The approvals (or rejections) entered in Placement Management update the individual PMRs in Medici.

Allocation of individual PMRs can be manually approved by Placement Administrators and Placement Officers by updating the Allocation Approved field to ‘Yes’ in the PMR(s).

PMR Confirmation Process:

Mandatory (must either be flagged to run automatically or must be manually triggered).

The PMR Confirmation process must be run after PMRs have been allocated and the allocations approved. The process can be flagged to run automatically each evening by updating the Placement Block Status to ‘Ready for Approval’; or the process can be manually triggered to run immediately for any Placement Block that is ‘Active’ or 'Ready for Approval'.

The PMR Confirmation process checks all PMRs in the relevant Placement Block(s) and verifies students have satisfied all Pre-Approval ‘Compulsory’ Conditions, and that the PMR allocations have been approved (Allocation Approved is ‘Yes’).

If the required Conditions have been met and the PMRs approved, the PMR Confirmation process will update the PMR Status of the relevant PMR(s) to ‘Confirmed’.  The placement will then be displayed to the student in myPlacement (subject to the notification rules configured for the Placement Block).

PMR Payment Claims:

Optional* (mandatory if Payment Claims will be authorised and paid for PMRs).

May be used to record details of Payment Claims against a PMR (who was paid, how much they were paid, what they were paid for, how they were paid, whether the payment is approved, etc).

Participation in Payment Claims is configured in the Placement Block, including whether a report from the Site about the student is required prior to approving a payment claim.  If the Participation in Payment Claims checkbox has not been selected in the Placement Block, payment claim details cannot be recorded for the Placement Block’s PMRs.

Claimable Time (amount of time that can be claimed) is configured in the Program Placement Setup or Course Placement Setup configuration for the Program or Course.  If the Claimable Time has not been configured for the Program or Course linked to the Placement Block, payment claim details cannot be recorded for the Placement Block’s PMRs.

Payment Rates can be configured for Organisations, Sites, and Contacts, however this configuration is not mandatory to record payment claim details for a Placement Block’s PMRs.  Payment rate details can be manually entered if required (eg. rare or on-off scenarios); however if payment claims will be submitted on a regular basis for the Contact, Organisation and/or Site, the relevant payment rates should be configured.

Reports can be flagged as received in the relevant PMR the payment claim relates to.

Last modified: Thursday, 19 December 2013, 11:36 AM