You have the option of being placed in one or more of the following clinical areas

Clinical Area Number of Students Common Length in area (guide only) Notes
level 2 general radiography 2-3 weeks general radiography, outpatients and ward patients, fluoroscopy
Emergency Department Dayshift 2-3 weeks includes paediatrics, trauma, mobiles and theatre
Emergency Department pm shift includes paediatrics, trauma, mobiles and theatre
Emergency Department night shift (restricted) Thursday and Friday night only only available under special circumstances to 4th year students
CT Scanning 1-2  2 weeks 4th year students will be trained to scan during a 2 week block.
MRI Scanning 3 - 5 days 1/2 day in 1st year. 1 week in 4th year
Ultrasound Scanning 3 days length of stay to suit student
Angiography 1 week 4th year
Mammography 1 day by arrangement with mammography staff
BMD (DXA) 1 day arranged with Nuclear Medicine staff

Mammography Rostering is avialable for female students only.  You must arrange a placement yourself by emailing...

Kathy Kenneally ( )

Please print and complete the Clinical Preferences Form before arriving on day 1 (3rd and 4th years only). This form allows you to describe in detail the clinical experiences you are seeking as well as other details you would like to be considered.  Some of the comments you might like to include are as follows

    • ...I work on Saturdays so I can only do clinical on Sundays?
    • ...I have part-time employment on Saturdays and Sundays but can do afternoon shift during the week
    • ...I cant do afternoon shift because I need to pick up children from childcare
    • ...I would like to work Saturday 19th of June if possible so that I can take the Monday off to attend an appointment
    • ...I need to make up a clinical day from the last block (as discussed with UniSA staff member)- can I work the public holiday dayshift in ED on the 27th?

During the first week of clinical placement,  the student supervisor will create a roster in Excel and the printed roster will be posted on the walls in the clinical areas around the Department

FMC student roster

Last modified: Tuesday, 5 April 2022, 4:12 PM