General Information - your LMH placement
What to bring with you to Clinical Placement
The following is a list of what to bring with you to clinical placement at LMH:
1. Passport to Placement (blue covered folder supplied by UniSA)
2. UniSA Clinical Placement Folder
3. "Information for Clinical Mentors" handout
4. UniSA Name Badge
5. Radiation Monitor (Luxel or equivalent)
6. Side Markers (plain, no initials)
7. Please also have knowledge of your N95 FIT tested mask size & type
As you progress through your clinical placement units your needs are likely to become quite specific in terms of examination types, competencies remaining & experiences - it is recommended you prepare a list of these so Radiographers can be made aware of them. This often makes it easier for us to assist you in achieving your goals and requirements from your placement experience.