Berri Hospitalsource:


General Information

Riverland Medical Imaging is situated within Riverland General Hospital (RGH), Berri. RGH is the largest hospital in the Riverland with 38 beds and services an area of approximately 50,000 people. Berri is 240 km from Adelaide and takes approximately 3 hours travel time by car.

Riverland Medical Imaging is a public hospital department that services outpatients, emergency department patients and inpatients from RGH and surrounding regional hospitals. The department has 2 general rooms, digital fluoroscopy, mobile xray and II, an OPG machine, mammography, 2 ultrasound machines, CT scanner and MRI.

Riverland General Hospital has recently undergone a redevelopment that included:

-          3 new operating theatres

-          Full ward redevelopment

-          Increased dialysis chairs

-          Chemotherapy services

-          Mental health ward

-          Rehabilitation services

What to Bring with You to Clinical Practice

-          Passport to Placement

-          White UniSA Folder

-          Name badge

-          Radiation monitoring badge

-          Clinical competencies folder

-          Metal side markers

-          UniSA “Information for Clinical Mentors” to be given to clinical supervisor on first day

Last modified: Thursday, 10 March 2022, 12:39 PM