Getting to The Queen Elizabeth Hospital by Bus

The Queen Elizabeth Hospital is serviced by a wide range of bus services depending on the time and day. Buses travel between the city and the Port Adelaide area along Port Road. The routes are 150, 155, 157 (excluding 157X).Bus stop 21 is located near the intersection of Woodville and Port Roads.

Transit Link and Circle Line buses stop at Bus Stop 219 outside the hospital on Woodville Road. These include route numbers 100, 101, J7 and 300.

For more information about local bus services and bus timetables, please visit the Adelaide Metro(opens in a new window) website.

(this information is taken from The Queen Elizabeth Hospital website)

QEH bus stop


 The Queen Elizabeth Hospital is easily accessible by public transport.

It is best to use the Adelaide Metro website to plan your journey the first time


The Adelaide Metro Website


You may find that the Adelaide Metro journey planner suggests a very complex bus route to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. If this is the case, use the planner to suggest a route into Adelaide city and then a separate plan from Adelaide City to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.


Useful Links



Last modified: Wednesday, 6 January 2016, 12:54 PM