What am I assessed on during Clinical Placement?

All students are assessed when they are on clinical placement. Assessment is ongoing and takes in all aspects of your time on clinical placement including observation and out of hours work.

Students must meet the minimum performance standards on each clinical block. Formative and Summative assessment forms are completed and verbal feedback is supplied by the clinical supervisor throughout placement. The performance standards are stated on the sheet provided to students titled Information for Clinical Mentors.


How am I Assessed?

Students will receive a formative assessment approximately half way through clinical blocks and a summative assessment at the end of the clinical block.  You will receive either a formative or summative assessment at the end of the shorter clinical placements (some clinical blocks are in 2 separate parts).  It is recommended that you ask at least two radiographers per week to complete a feedback sheet for you so that accurate and specific feedback can be given. You can also ask the radiographers for verbal feedback on your performance at any time during a clinical placement. You can also ask the student supervisor for guidance on how you are performing at any time. 


Can I fail a Clinical Placement?

Yes, you can. If you do not meet the requirements and standards of performance of a clinical placement, you will be deemed to have failed that clinical placement. If this should occur, you will be advised by a UniSA staff member about your options. 

Last modified: Thursday, 20 August 2020, 11:46 AM