The patient was a man aged 79 with a history of dysphagia for 6 months. He was grossly emaciated and died of hypostatic pneumonia after a week in hospital.


The specimen consists of the pharynx and upper few cms of the oesophagus, together with the epiglottis and the base of the tongue. On the anterior wall of the pharynx there is an ulcer 1.5 cms in diameter. Its upper border is smooth, over-hanging, relatively straight and lies 1.5 cms distal to the aryepiglottic fold. The base of the ulcer is irregular, and friable necrotic tissue is present on its surface. The ulcer has not penetrated the trachea though there is an artefactual hole in the specimen. Histology shows a very indolent ulcer with a dense fibrous base attached to the underlying cartilage. Inflammatory cells are scanty. Small vessels have thin walls.

Last modified: Monday, 31 July 2017, 9:57 AM