24058              BRONCHOPNEUMONIA


The patient was a 73 year old man who had had extensive cerebral thrombosis and was demented and dysphasic, with the signs of a right hemiplegia in admission in 1972.  He had had previous right-sided bronchopneumonia in 1969.  He developed a temperature while in hospital and died with pneumonia which did not respond to antibiotics.


The specimen is a section of the right lung and shows confluent massive bronchopneumonic consolidation throughout most of the lower lobe.  There is marked emphysema with anthracosis in the anterior basal segment of the lower lobe, and the anterior segment of the upper lobe.  There is no evidence of pulmonary infarction although pulmonary vessels in the apex of the lower lobe contain antemortem thrombus.  Histology shows acute bronchopneumonic consolidation with a polymorphonuclear and fibrinous exudate in the air sacs and the smaller air passages.

Last modified: Friday, 4 August 2017, 9:32 AM